Health Magazine

GERD Acid Reflux Can Be Eliminated With Natural Remedies

By Healyounaturally @healU_naturally
GERD Acid Reflux Can Be Eliminated With Natural Remedies

What Is GERD-Acid Reflux:

Heartburn is the most common symptom associated with acid reflux or Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). The esophageal sphincter is a kind of valve located at the end of the esophagus and opens during the intake to let food into the stomach. Then the muscle contracts rapidly to prevent food and stomach juices back into the esophagus.

Heartburn is a burning pain behind the breastbone, which can extend upward toward the neck. Sometimes food or liquids back to the throat or mouth with a sour taste and burning, especially when you bend or lie down.

In some cases, a hiatal hernia can cause heartburn, but that is not always the case: Some people with hiatal hernia have no heartburn. Acid Reflux may not be a serious problem, because almost everyone has experienced it at some point in their life- especially after heavy meals, overeating, or greasy meals.

Acid reflux is very common also in pregnant women. However, when it occurs too often or too severe, it can affect the quality of life and trigger more serious problems. According to the Cleveland Clinic untreated GERD can result in long term complications such as:

  • Esophagitis ~
  • Barrett's esophagus
  • Strictures
  • Esophagel cancer

Barrett's esophagus. Barrett's esophagus is a condition that develops in some people (about 10%) who have long-term GERD. It is a risk factor for cancer of the esophagus. Damage from acid reflux can cause abnormal changes in the lining of the esophagus.

What causes GERD-Acid Reflux

GERD-Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid leaks up into the esophagus from the stomach. This creates the burning sensation of heartburn that is the most common of acid reflux and GERD symptoms.

Acid reflux - GERD is typically caused by the stomach either producing too little or too much stomach acid. By making life style changes, mainly in your diet you will be able to heal acid reflux once and for all.

GERD Acid Reflux Can Be Eliminated With Natural RemediesLearn how to cure GERD-Acid Reflux Naturally

Acid Reflux facts you should know

Fact #1 Acid Reflux begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone, and it then usually radiates upward to the neck.

Fact #2 More than 60 million American adults suffer from acid reflux

Fact #3 94 percent of sufferers can link their acid reflux symptoms to specific foods

Fact #4 80 percent of acid reflux sufferers report symptoms at night. 75 percent say these episodes awaken them.

Fact #5 Lifestyle changes can reduce the onset of acid reflux.

Fact #6 Acid reflux is the most common symptom of GERD.

Fact #7 Heartburn is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), is weakened or opens inappropriately. Allowing stomach acid to back up into the esophagus

Fact #8 It can affect infants and children too, but is most common among the elderly and pregnant women.

Fact #9 Chronic acid reflux can lead to serious complications, such as Barrett's esophagus, and esophageal cancer.

Fact #10 Acid reflux can be treated with all natural remedies.

Preventing and Treating GERD-Acid reflux:

There are good news. GERD or Acid Reflux can be absolutely cured naturally.

1. Are you exhausted from lack of sleep due to Acid Reflux and its terrible side effects: Bloating, belching, nausea, indigestion and even anxiety?

2. Feeling uncomfortable with that burning sensation where you say to yourself: I don't know what to eat, even water makes me miserable?

3. Don't want to spend the rest of your life eating antacids or worst yet NSAID's?

If you've answered YES to at least two of these questions, you are most likely suffering from GERD or Acid Reflux. Is there a solution to cure GERD- acid reflux naturally? You bet there is. Here are my top tips to reversing and healing acid reflux once and for all:

  1. Stop eating 3-4 hours before bed. If you go to
  2. Raise Your Bed. While you heal and reverse acid reflux with lifestyle changes mentioned below. I highly recommend bed raisers because they keep you propped up and they are inexpensive and do the job (and what I used when healing my own acid reflux). I used these. You can also use pillows to sleep propped up. However, this has to be only temporary because that isn't a natural position to sleep.
  3. Try natural remedies that actually work. Try any of these three natural remedies to enhance digestion and get rid of acid reflux for good (hint: they are cheap, super easy to make and don't taste like a glass of dirty water)
  4. Get moving! Exercise enhances digestion while staying on the couch slows it down. Walking is a good starting point.
  5. Eat red delicious apples. (apples are alkaline-forming but also have high acid content) and their consumption triggers the mouth to produce more saliva, it will hinder acid production in the stomach. While this has not been scientifically tested or proven, many acid reflux patients swear by the effectiveness of red delicious apples to relieve heartburn symptoms, especially if consumed before bed
  6. Kefir or plain organic yogurt. The logic behind this is that Kefir or yogurt has a soothing effect on the inflamed esophagus; it helps digestion and also has probiotic bacteria that keep the bad bacteria including fungi and parasites under control. Keep in mind that organic yogurt made of sheep or goat's milk is easier to digest and is not considered allergenic as cow milk's products and thus is preferred over other types of yogurt. Here some ways you can enjoy Kefir.

But I get relief from over the counter acid blockers or NSAIDs. Yes, you get te mporary relief from there medications not a long term cure.

Here's some insight on acid blockers:

Adverse Effects of NSAIDS

As always thanks for reading and spreading the natural healing news.

Now tell me in the comments below. Do you or someone close to you suffer from Acid Reflux? If so, what course of treatment was recommended and did it work? I'd love to hear about your experiences.

References [3]
Note: This shouldn't be considered as medical advice. This is all based on research and my own experience.

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