My grandmother has to go to dialysis three times a week, which means that she has some pretty strict nutrition requirements. Her physician is especially concerned with keeping her protein levels where they need to be. I love to cook, so I began brainstorming something that not only would she like, but so would everyone else. I figured egg muffins would be a great way to give her an added boost of protein and other key nutrients. Plus the rest of my family loves them and they are about the easiest thing you can make.
FYI, I am not being endorsed by Clever Foodies in any way, shape, or form. In fact, up until a few days ago, I had never even heard of this stuff. But I already love it. I went to Publix to pick up a few things, including eggs. I saw the Scramble stuff beside them and thought it was a great idea. I saw two varieties: Rancheros and Leafy Greens. Both are delicious. It contains healthy ingredients, and it really saves you some time. There is no prep work required, because lets be honest, chopping up veggies gets old pretty quickly. I used the Leafy Green option this time around. It has spinach, broccoli rabe, garlic, tomatoes, and kale.
You just add some to your eggs to make an omelette, frittata, or scrambled eggs. Easy peasy.

For the egg muffins, preheat the oven to 350. I cracked 12 eggs into a Pyrex dish for easy pouring. I whisked until the yolks were broken. Then I added in all of the contents from the Scramble and whisked in with the eggs. I also added some reduced fat cheddar cheese, probably about 3/4 cup. I seldom measure anything when I cook. I poured the egg mixture into two greased muffin pans. I didn't have one large one, so I had to make do. Bake for 20-30 minutes, and presto. An easy breakfast and/or snack. This "recipe" made 12 egg muffins.

What are some of your easy go to recipes? I am always looking for new ones to try.

posted on 25 May at 00:44
Making this now for a quick dinner. Using the Rancheros, 12 eggs s/p and cheddar cheese. Smells Delish in the oven!!