{This post was written on September 14th and was saved as a draft until we shared our good news with everyone.}
How far along? Five weeks and five days as of today.
Baby's size? Dot snail. So little!
Baby's nickname? Stephen nicknamed the baby Dragon Baby.
Maternity clothes? Not yet. Exercise? Stephen and I have been taking walks every day. I'm still training for my half marathon but instead of running, I'm getting my miles in by walking. I'm just too exhausted right now to run. Making sure I walk at least 10,000 steps a day. I'm also lifting weights once a week with my trainer.
Sleep? I'm sleeping great, except for the fact that I have to get up and pee seventeen times a night. Best moment this week? Finding out that I was pregnant and sharing the news with Stephen, family and close friends.
Miss anything? I really thought I'd miss alcohol but I actually don't. But I do miss my afternoon cup of coffee. I ordered a box of decaf K-cups from Amazon and I'm just waiting on them to be delivered. Oh wait! There's my delivery notification! Movement? None so far. Food cravings? No major cravings yet. I did want FroYo on Sunday and I wanted my homemade garlic cashew pork with avocado on Monday but I can't say that was the baby that wanted those. Anything making you queasy or sick? I've had some moments of nausea but nothing too extreme. And no food aversions yet. Gender? Unknown.
Labor Signs? None. Symptoms? Very tired. Cramping throughout the day. Bloating and extremely gassy in the evenings. It's keeping me from eating too much at night though!Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? I've been in a really good mood this week.
Looking forward to? My first doctor's appointment so I can share the news with everyone!