Food & Drink Magazine

Fitness Friday: Streaming Workouts

By Fitnspicy @fitnspicy

I participated in an Influencer Program on behalf of Mom Central for Dove. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.


Sometimes you have those days where you just don’t want to go to the gym but still want to get a workout in. That was me yesterday, I was really tired in the morning and my 5 am alarm was just not happening. So I opted to do a workout when I got home from work. I turned on the TV in our family room and fired up the Roku. I had recently received a few press releases about all the options that are available on streaming services; Amazon Prime, Youtube and even Hulu!


The benefit of Youtube is that is free! If you have a smart tv or Roku just add the channel and search for workouts.  I am a big fan of the BeFiT channel, I’ve done the BeFiT 40 Min Total Body Strength Workout and the Yoga Ballet Cardio Burn. They have motivating music and great moves, I did Frog Burpees last night. Regular burpees are hard and these are even harder!


Fitness Friday: Streaming Workouts


They have 30 minute workouts, yoga, dance, a BeFiT in 90 series and so much more. Check some of these out, I am loving the variety!


On Amazon Prime if you search fitness, they have a few Jillian Michaels titles and Ballet Beautiful. If you doubt you can get a good enough workout; try these. The Jillian Michaels kettlebell workout is HARD. And the nice thing about working out at home is I just throw on workout clothes, refresh my Dove Advanced Care, grab my yoga mat and weights. It’s been a few weeks of using the Dove Advanced Care and I am still loving it! Since it is tank top and dress season I wanted to make sure my underarms were looking great, and they really have been!


Workouts this week:


Sunday: Ballet Barre

Monday: Off

Tuesday: Yoga Sculpt

Wednesday: Cardio and Weights (On to Weeks 5-9 of Girls Gone Strong)

Thursday: BeFiT Total Body Strength and Yoga Ballet

Friday: Off

Saturday: Yoga Sculpt

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