Food & Drink Magazine

Fitness Friday A New Schedule

By Fitnspicy @fitnspicy

First week at the new job and I am proud to say that I had a butt kicking week of workouts. And it felt amazing! Staying active keeps healthy and sane. I can’t say that enough. Workout out is the ultimate stress reliever for me and I get such a natural high from it. Pushing myself and trying new things keeps it interesting.


Sunday: Insanity Max and PiYo

Monday: Cardio and Legs

Tuesday: Yoga Sculpt. Plus the first day of the LJ Challenge.

Wednesday: Off. And I needed it, 3 days of hard workouts and I was sore!

Thursday: Yoga Sculpt. Added in the exercises from Day 2 of the LJ Challenge. My goal is to do these almost everyday.

Friday: Off

Saturday: Either sculpt or the gym


My hope is that I can keep this schedule with Monday and Friday as my off days. That mean’s only 3 days of getting up at 5 and still making it to work by 8. My commitment to fitness will always be there but now it’s just finding the right days and times to get in my 4 to 5 workouts.


So what’s up with no crossfit? We decided to put it on hold with all the travel in January and me starting a new job. If I commit to something I want to be able to give it up 100%. No showers at Crossfit is a big negative too, it’s so much easier for me to get ready and then just head to work. I would have to do the 5am class in order to get to work on time and getting up at 4:30 feel really ridiculous when I already don’t sleep very well. We really like Crossfit but need more time to devote to it. And I know I will be doing some travel for work and I want to make sure I can get in enough sessions to make the monthly fee worth it.


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