Business Magazine

Financial Advice: 5 Popular Personal Finance Apps That You Need on the Go

Posted on the 02 May 2013 by Stacie Walker Stacie @staciewalker

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Contributing Author: Samantha Byrd

You plan and scrimp and save as much as you can, but sometimes you just need a little help.

Whether you’re saving for retirement, or just saving to get a new car, or a weekend away from it all, the sooner you begin saving the better.

The sooner you delve into your personal finances, the sooner you know where you stand, and can start making a better life for yourself. There are numerous personal finance apps to choose from, but not every app is for everyone.

Here are five personal finance apps to choose from that can make your life a little easier.

5 Awesome Apps to Handle Your Personal Finances 

Image: Shutterstock

For people on the go, it’s important to constantly be on top of your finances. Here are some of the five best apps for your Android or iPhone.

1.) PayPal

PayPal has made life manageable for millions of people; especially those who are self-employed. Hands down, PayPal is the easiest way to pay and get paid.

Thanks to their merchant services you can do things like create and send professional invoices, pay your bills, and transfer money between different bank accounts. Now you can even have your own debit card, or enroll in their buy now pay later account.

All this can be done from your computer or iPhone and Android phone.

2.) Debt Dog

Few people realize the true cost of buying things on credit; no more with Debt Dog.  

Since the app shows you the true cost of buying on credit it may actually stop you from putting something on credit that you really cannot afford.

Put in anything you are thinking of purchasing and Debt Dog will show you how much you are actually paying in interest and how long it will take to pay it off.

This little app could very well save you thousands of dollars in interest payments.

3.) Mint

Available for both Android and iPhones this app works in conjunction with your online Mint account. This application can also used on your computer or laptop.

It’s easy to create a budget, goals, manage your money.

You can set up alerts that inform you when a bill is coming due, or even if one of your accounts is getting below a predetermined balance. 

4.) Snap Tax

Available on your iPhone or Android, you can actually do your taxes on your phone while on the go.

Snap Tax was created by the mind behind Turbo Tax, it calculates your refund, how much you owe, and you can even file your taxes electronically with the click of a button.

This app works in all 50 states, but only supports 1040EZ tax returns at this time.

Filing your taxes is as easy as sending a text message, and we all know how to text. You can even take a picture of your W-2(s) and it will populate appropriate fields instantly.

5.) Easy Envelope Budget Aid

Currently only available for Android phones, this app is the mobile version of the Easy Envelope Budgeting system.

You can create a budget, divide it into categories and monitor your spending in each category. It will produce reports so you can see where you’re spending your money.

The Unexpected Financial Expenses

The Unexpected Financial Expenses

Image Credit: practicalmoneyskills

You try to budget and plan for everything you can think of, but sometimes things just happen.

Whether it’s a sudden trip to the dentist for the kids, or and unexpected car repair bill, sometimes you just need a helping hand. For those emergencies where a couple hundred dollars is woefully insufficient, there is the car title loan.

All you need is a car with value, the title, personal ID, and proof of some form of income and you can walk in and out in as little as an hour with money in your pocket.

The best thing is, you can get a lot more than from a payday loan for example, and you don’t have to pay it off right away.

You’re set up on a budget you can afford and you still get use of your car while you are making your payments.

This is a great way to have money for those big problems that require thousands of dollars to solve.

But maybe you don’t have an emergency. Maybe you want to take the family on a vacation of their lifetime and a title loan is the way to afford it.

Worried about your credit?

Don’t worry.

Most title companies don’t even check your credit.

Don’t have a job?

That doesn’t mean you won’t get the loan.

Title loan companies are mainly concerned that you have a car with value, and in your name. They know you don’t have good credit. If you did, you’d be at a bank getting a traditional loan.

If you’re on unemployment, disability, or any other situation, stop by your local title loan company and fill out a five minute application and chances are, in an hour you’ll be driving away with money to spend.

Money for those things you just could not budget for; that’s what title loans are for. Stop by today.

About the Contributing Author:

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Samantha Byrd is a professional blogger that provides consumers with financial advice and information. She writes for Title Loans of Savannah, a leader in car title loans in Savannah, Georgia no credit check title loans.

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