Hair & Beauty Magazine

FFS Friday: The Outbush Adventures

By Makemeupmandy @mandywebb28
FFS Friday: The Outbush Adventures
If you follow me on Instagram & Twitter, you'd know that last week we went to Husband's mate's farm.
It was a beautiful and sunny day, just perfect for a farm trip. Too beautiful and certainly too sunny, I might add.
Smartarse Husband went around the house repeatedly announcing in the morning: Everybody, put on your skivvy, your jumper, long socks, hat, boots etc. It is going to be really, really cold out at the farm. Very, very cold. FFS
When our mate & his wife arrived at our house to meet us, they were in shorts, thongs and sunnies. FFS
We should have gone back in quickly to get changed but no, we still believed that it was going to be very cold. Very, very cold out at the farm. FFS
Of course, we deeply regretted because it was friggin' boiling hot all day out at the farm. Not to mention we built a campfire and had a BBQ over it so yes, it was really really hot. FFS
To top things off, we realised the baby had only 1 glorious shoe on when we arrived. FFS
For a good half of the day when we were chilling and BBQ-ing while the men went out bush dirtbike riding, the poor baby was told repeatedly to STAY on a mat laid out for her because it was too dangerous to let her walk around barefoot. FFS
The baby is a cheeky little thing. Little pups kept coming onto her mat when she was eating her biscuit and she would raise it out to them, tempt them, and then shake her finger with her other hand and go No, No, No, No, No. FFS
Our mate & his wife has an adorable little bubba around the same age as ours. I think she liked me because she kept tapping me and trying to sit on me. No FFS
Of course, Husband had to announce: "BAHAHAHA Kids like Mandy because they think she is their size" and explain the whole joke/encounter with our other friend's kids. FFS
Thanks for spreading the good news, mate. FFS
Other than that, we all agreed we had one of the best days in recent times out at the farm. It was beautiful! No FFS
By the way, when we got home, the baby's other shoe was in the driveway. It obviously fell off when we were putting her in the car. FFS
Oh, and on Monday, we had to go get the baby halfway through daycare because she was screaming and crying so badly her educator couldn't calm her down. FFS
Luckily, we decided to hang around in town that day instead of going far. We could get her 10 mins within her educator calling. Not FFS
Poor baby might be a little ill still, she has not been eating very well.
And she is still doing poos in fresh diapers right after I change her. FFS

How has your week been? Any FFS-worthy moments?
Linking up with the other ranters at Dearbabyg.
While you're here, I have a Neutrogena Naturals Prize Pack Giveaway!

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