Hair & Beauty Magazine

FFS Friday: Bubba Slaps Are Reserved For Me

By Makemeupmandy @mandywebb28

After the eventful week we had previously (including the shopping mall car park issue on my instagram that I forgot to include in last Friday's FFS edition), we had a rather quiet one this week thankfully.
I sometimes struggle to keep track of how many people actually live in my house.
At last count, there were at least 7 towels hanging around. On towel rack, on chairs, on couch, on bed rail. FFS.
There are only 2 adults, 1 child and 1 baby in this house.
My husband is a really clean person. Not FFS
But has many showers a day (also due to dirt/dust from working around the house) that his towels never dry quickly enough and so… the multiple towels lying around. FFS
Ever since my baby started day care a few weeks ago, I have been very curious about how she has been behaving around others. I never worry for her. I worry for other babies and the daycare teacher.
I keep asking her teacher if she is good. Thankfully, her teacher adores her. She reckons Kasey is the sweetest little thing and gives her no problems at all. I find that hard to believe. FFS
Apparently, this baby lays really still for her daycare teacher when she gets her diapers changed. She also lays still for her dad for diaper changing. That day, she even passed her diaper to him with a sweet giggle. But when it's me... I take a long time to get her diapers changed because she doesn’t lay still for me. She screams, laughs, hits, fights, rolls around. FFS
When I picked her up on Monday, she was smiling and cuddling her teacher. Then, she sweetly waved and said BYE to everyone.
The minute I carried her and shut the door behind us, she went BAM! In my face and laughed out loud. So I see. Smacking is only reserved for us – her family?? FFS
This is getting real personal, Missy. Real personal. 
Last weekend, I took Ally to the carnival in town. When I came home, Husband said bubba walked a little bit. I missed it. FFS
The other day, Ally was playing with bub and she started yelling that bub took another few steps. I missed it again. FFS
Yesterday, I cut my thigh badly while labouring out in the yard. The whole garden tool fell from a height onto my thigh. I am sure I will have a long scar there now. FFS
How's my husband, he gives the best advice. He said, "Oh what is there to worry about? Don't you have heaps of those beauty stuff you can rub on for scars?" 
Have a good weekend everyone! x
Linking up with Sarah at Dear Baby G for FFS Fridays as always!

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