"Your business should help people make their lives better!" - Kiesha Easley Tweet This PostContributing Author: Stacie Walker
Today's interview and featured success story for September is Kiesha Easly of We Blog Better.
Kiesha Easley is a writer, instructor and blog consultant. Her blog, WeBlogBetter.com provides blogging, writing, social media and other great tips for improving a blog.
Her most recent blogging guide, 10 Week Gameplan for a Top 100k Blog, has helped many bloggers build successful blogs from scratch.
I discovered Kiesha through the circle of bloggers and writers that I regularly keep track of online.
From the start, I was immediately drawn in to Kiesha's genuine writing style. She is EVERYWHERE!Kiesha’s articles have been published on Problogger, DIYThemes, Social Mouths, and in Midlands Live Magazine.
In addition to teaching others how to blog, Kiesha is also a college instructor who teaches students how to write for mass media.
When she is not writing, teaching or working on freelance projects, she loves ballroom dancing, watching movies, spending time at the beach with family and playing The Sims 3 when she can steal some very rare free time.
Ready to learn more about Kiesha's personal style and her history? Well, let's get started!Exclusive Interview with Kiesha Easley of We Blog Better
Kiesha: In order to succeed in business, a person has to come to terms with and accept his or her weaknesses. It’s not something we like to think about, but failure to acknowledge and accept them could lead to unnecessary distractions and failures. If you accept the fact that you tend to procrastinate, rather than beat yourself up, you can use strategies that will help you such as planning ahead and using timers to keep you on task. If you accept that you’re not very tech-savvy, rather than spending hours trying to figure out how to make changes to your blog’s CSS, you can outsource that task to someone who does. If you can accept your weaknesses rather than try to deny them, you can overcome them. This will make you more comfortable with yourself and you’ll be a lot more confident and willing to take risks and seek out new opportunities.
Stacie: What’s the biggest thing you struggle with as an entrepreneur?
Kiesha: My biggest struggle is balancing my time between work/family/time-for-self.
Because it’s so easy for me to get engulfed in work, before I realize it, I can spend hours working on something while in the meantime, kids are hungry, laundry's piling up and who knows when was the last time I stopped for a drink of water!
I try to get all of those things out of the way, first, but many times, I think I’m going to jump on the computer for a moment to complete a quick task and that turns into so many other things. Once I start checking email who knows when I'll stop working. I still struggle with this, but I try to adhere to a schedule as much as possible.Stacie: Looking back, what’s one thing you wish you understood about entrepreneurship before you ever got started?
Kiesha: I wish I understood that when you're your own boss, you end up working harder and longer for yourself than you would for any other 9-5.
I've spent 16 hour days on the computer - I never would stand for that at a regular job. But when you're trying to build something you believe in, you do what is necessary to get the job done.Stacie: Who was your inspiration growing up in and who is your inspiration now? Kiesha: As a teenager, Iyanla Vanzant was my inspiration. She had so much wisdom and common sense advice that I wanted to try to follow. Now, my inspiration comes from both of my pastors, Drs. Herbert and Marcia Bailey. They are so transparent and full of practical wisdom for living a prosperous and successful life. I know that they've been where I am and if I just follow what they teach, one day I'll be a great success as well.

Stacie: What has been your most effective marketing tactic or technique? Kiesha: My most effective marketing tactic has been organizing contests on my blog. People are drawn to a chance to win cash and they are more willing to share my blog when there's something in it for them. Guest posting has also helped me build my audience - without these two strategies, my blog wouldn't be where it is today.
Stacie: What three pieces of advice would you offer entrepreneurs starting out today? Kiesha: The best three pieces of advice I have to offer to entrepreneurs are these: First, base your business off of something that you're already passionate about and love doing - that way when you work, it won't feel like work. If you have to work 16 hours one day, it won't feel that way because you'll be enjoying what you do. Second, understand the concept of "service" - even though you're in business to earn money, it should still provide a helpful service in some way. In other words, your business should help people make their lives better by saving them time, making things easier, or making live more enjoyable. If you frame it that way, you'll build a business that has real value at its core. And people will gravitate toward what you're doing and will happily spread the word about your business for you. Third, don't ever stop learning - but even more than that, don't stop putting what you've learned into action. You could spend thousands of dollars on training programs, but if you don't use what you've learned it will be money wasted.

Stacie: Everyone defines success in their own way. What does success mean to you? Kiesha: For me, success will mean that I am financially free enough to take back my time. It means I won't have to keep selling the one precious resource that I have that can never be replaced. Until somebody invents a real time machine, no one and no amount of money can ever replace my time. The less time I spend working, the more time I can spend enjoying my family and my time. That's my goal: to own my time.
Stacie: What book has inspired you the most? (OR What is your favorite book?) Kiesha: I love books, but I have too many favorites to name. My favorite movie is "The Pursuit of Happyness". It is the most inspiring movie I've ever seen! The fact that it's based off of a true life story makes it that much stronger. It makes me cry every time I watch it, but by the end, they are tears of joy. That movie leaves me feeling totally inspired and believing that if Chris Gardner can accomplish what he did with those unbelievable circumstances - then I can too.
Stacie: Kiesha, you are such an inspiration! You are a fine example.
Thank you for taking the time to share your inspiring journey with the Woman in Leadership community.
In the near future, I would love to have you as a special guest on the Woman in Leadership Success online radio show.
Kiesha loves helping and connecting with others, feel free to send her your questions about blogging and content marketing to the following email address: [email protected]
If you are interested in learning more about Kiesha, please connect with her by clicking on any of the following links:
Twitter: http://twitter.com/weblogbetterFacebook: http://facebook.com/weblogbetter
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/kieshaeasley
Google+ : https://plus.google.com/100941314442885964386/
Stumbleupon: http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/keasley
Image Credits: http://weblogbetter.com/about/
About the Contributing Author and Company Founder:
Stacie Walker is the founder of Woman in Leadership Woman in Leadership. Stacie adores working with professional leaders and entrepreneurs in the small business, home business, and online business industries.
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