I saw this posted on Pinterest a few times, so I had to try it.
Basically – you just cut out a section of green pepper. I put that into a skillet with cooking spray and cooked on low heat for a minute each side.
Gently crack an egg in the middle – I broke the yolk, and you can add veggies or cheese, or any spices you like. I just did salt and pepper and that’s it.
Cook the egg for several minutes on one side. It will be easy to flip because the bottom is cooked. Gently flip it over and cook it for a few more minutes. I HATE a runny yolk, so cook it to however you like your eggs.
I brought this to work, with a cooked frozen hash brown (130 calories for that) and with LEMONDROP melon with blueberries.
My sister had seen the lemondrop melon at a store by her, and I found one over the weekend. I loved it, kind of a cross between honeydew melon but with a hint of lemon.

And – my fancy breakfast for work!

My twin sister and I text each other our breakfast and lunch photos! I thought it was funny that her breakfast at her office was on a fancy plate too!

You can check out her recipe here for that
And on the exercise front – still walked home every day from work this week (close to 2 miles) and then hit the YMCA after dinner with my hubby. Last night I did 32 minutes on the elliptical. I chose “advanced” “mountain climbing” at level 25 of 25! It was hard, and my legs and butt are sore today – but that’s a good thing!

Do you pin recipes on Pinterest. I LOVE looking at all the recipes and I try to make them instead of just saving them!
And I am on day 3 of the 30 day plank challenge. So far so good! But today is 30 seconds and at the end of 30 days you have to hold a plank position for FIVE minutes!! Yikes!
Have a great day!