Fitness Magazine

Eventful Weekend

By Heathernichole
The weekends always seem to fly by. I get off work at noon on Fridays so you'd think they would seem longer but nope. I've been working on the house a little bit every weekend but this past weekend, I only dedicated Friday to the house. But before I get into that, how cute is Vader in sunglasses???
Eventful Weekend
I called my dad when I was leaving work on Friday to ask if he could come by and install the base boards in my girly room. He informed me that he was actually just finishing up. I'm so glad I gave him a key! I spent Friday afternoon putting my room together. I may do a little back story of each piece another time. For now I'll just say I've had all of these items for a long long time and I did not want to part with them. I hope to one day pass them on to our daughter. My fiancé came up with the idea for me to use our third bedroom as my girly room. I really wish I had taken before photos but let's just say the room was a mess. 
Eventful Weekend
I have so many ideas for how I want to decorate the walls. So many that I'm going to have to narrow it down. I only have four walls to play with. Well, more like three because of the window.  Eventful Weekend
I haven't been able to use my vanity in over a year. In our last apartment, it just sat in the garage and it made me so sad. I love being able to come in here each morning and get ready for the day! I'll post more pictures as I add more décor. Eventful Weekend
On Saturday I went to a one year olds birthday party and it was Michael Jackson themed - genius! I had to wear one on my Michael shirts and I even found my Michael buttons the day before when I was putting my room together. 
Eventful Weekend
I am planning on getting a full length mirror. But until then, this will be my selfie mirror. 
Eventful Weekend
My future mother-in-law bought us a key holder {in case you're unaware, I'm obsessed with keys}. It was plain black and it needed a little sprucing up. I went to Hobby Lobby and bought a chalk pen and added a personal touch. I'm not a Meyer yet but I'm only 82 days away! 
Eventful Weekend
I told you this would be my selfie mirror temporarily. 
Eventful Weekend
Saturday night my fiancé and I went to see my friend sing at a country show. Then we walked in Old Town to grab dinner. It was really nice. 
Eventful Weekend
Sunday morning I had made reservations at the same place I went to last weekend with my parents. We actually had the day off together and I can't remember the last time we went out of town that wasn't to his parents house or to his work. 
Eventful Weekend
This was my view for brunch. It was perfect. 
Eventful Weekend
Sunday marked twelve weeks until our wedding. Crazy. So much to do before then. Time to get to it! 
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