Hair & Beauty Magazine

Event: Maybelline’s Mousse and Me

By Beautifulbuns

There are so many words that start with “M”  that could describe me – usually, I’d go with shameless ones like “memorable”, “mesmerising”, “motivating” etc, but right now, the only one that describes me is MESS.

Damn you, horrible weather – it was so dry and cold there, and coming back, it’s more ridiculously hotter than Singapore’s usual armpit-sweat-stain inducing weather. Coming back to Singapore, my body embraced the humidity so much that I now have a takopachi face (you’ll see in the photos later).

So what’s the point of all these rants? To provide an opening to what I will now call an Awesome Twoey – a two-in-one foundation and contouring product, the new Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse (and also the Liquid Mousse).

Maybelline Dream Mousse
At Bliss House, a new concept / theme restaurant at Central Shopping Mall, Clarke Quay MRT station.

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A archway beautifully decorated with flowers (what’s with flowers and arches this week? There was another one at the Crabtree & Evelyn Somerset Meadow event)

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Welcoming us – the “angel” and the “devil”. If you find them familiar, it’s because they were also at the previous Maybelline Wild Night Out event as kitty cats

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Being led to the tiny little stage / platform to take photos with either the good boys, or the bad boys. Check out my Instagram to see the polaroid I took with the boys – one of whom happened to be an ex-CLEO Bachelor. So nice to see a familiar face! Plus, he’s all grown up and buff and manly now – awwww I feel like a proud mom. haha.

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Sitting quietly in a corner is yet another familiar face – awesomest makeup artist Larry is finally back from Australiaaaaaa omg I’ve missed him!

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The section of the restaurant that the event will take place in – this is such a bridal /floral/ fantasy / guniang-themed restaurant. (guniang is local slang for the highest state of girliness)

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A hint of what was gonna be launched…

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… princessy cushiony chairs with my very own sceptre. woot! I need minions to wave this sceptre around at.

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And voila! The stars of the day – no, I don’t mean my awesome fat face, I mean the products.

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Ta-dah~! Presenting Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse and Maybelline Dream Liquid Mousse.

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A close-up of the Dream Matte Mousse – yes I know it doesn’t show much, but I’ll be doing a review soon, so don’t lose your panties in a huff

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Very, very useful tips from Larry – what is suitable for your skin based on your MAC shades.

MAC NC35 – Maybelline Nude Light 4

MAC NC40 – Maybelline Honey Beige Medium 4

MAC NC45 – Maybelline Sandy Beige Medium 1

If you’re a Korean product user like me, the general BB shades 21 = MAC NC10-15.

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The boys up front to do a charade with us – yes unfortunately I got pushed up to “act” out the romantic movie titles.

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Time for the really, really, really pretty (marketing exec?) from Maybelline to give an opening speech.

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And now, time for Larry to work his magiccccccc.

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Starting first with the Baby Skin Pore Eraser, which was the #1 product in Korea (I saw it in Olive Young!) – it’s super smoothing and really erases pores. Woah.

A tip from Larry: This is a silicon-based product (silicates make the surface smoother), so don’t use it with a gel-based moisturiser. It will result in your makeup running in streaks down your face, an effect called noodling,

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Moving on to the Dream Matte Mousse – Use a medium-sized brush to apply it if you feel that fingers are too invasive. Just pick up some product, put it on the back of your hand to deposit any extra clumps and to compact the product onto the brush strands, and then gently sweep it across your face.

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The model going around to show her newly made-up face – so flawless zomg.

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If you want more coverage, go for the Dream Liquid Mousse – again, no swatches because I had to pay attention to the presentation, and also cos I’ll be doing a review on it in time to come. Donch worry – I’m a decent quality beauty blogger who won’t shortchange mah readers. hehe.

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And voila! Larry standing there like a proud parent whilst his child shows off her new awesome skin.

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Another awesome product (that will be launched later this year) – The Lasting Drama Gel Pen, a liquid-gel eyeliner that doesn’t need you to bring a brush around! There’s a plug to stop the gel from coming out of the soft rubber flat-tube dispenser.

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Just twist the bottom click-ring until the product is dispensed, and then deposit it onto the back of your hand. Don’t apply it directly to your eye cos quite an amount of gel will be dispensed. Once you have a chunk of gel on your hand, use the slanted precision tip to pick it up and draw your eyeline. I LOVES THIS PRODUCT!

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The final portion of the event – Larry doing colour matching for us so that we could pick the correct shades. This photo is so cute -  Christina‘s looking at Larry with googoo hopeful eyes, and waiting for the maestro to perform his miracle.

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And voila! See, see, SEE? The photo on the left was taken before the event started, and the one on the right was after Larry contoured my face. I HAZ V-LINE FACE! I HAZ!

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The new Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse and Liquid Mousse from Maybelline packed in the cutest storybook-box. I promise to review them as soon as my face stops going crazy

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