If there’s one part of my hawt hawt bodeh that I can proudly beat my chest and proclaim that I’m proud of it, it’s my chest. I’m genetically (and fattily) endowed, and I believe in flaunting what I have. That, and I also attempt to draw attention away from my 10 million other inadequacies like my short and stubby legs, flabby arms (the list goes on.. and on..)
However, the frequent jetsetting from hot and humid Singapore to crazy chilly Korea (-22 degrees Celsius in Winter, anyone?) and cool Spring/Autumn weather of Korea and Hong Kong (and several other countries) has driven my body mad. I found myself getting more and more back acne (bacne for short) – which I could have lived with, since it can be hidden.
But alas, I started getting blemishes and rashes on my chest area as well. It was horrible – red splotches mixed with (whiteheads?!) or god only knows what it was… I guess it can be attributed to the many layers piled on during the cold weather.
Thus, on my July trip to Korea with my mom, I bought every single body clearing mist I could get my hands on. Here’s the first one that I’m trying out – I’m actually surprised I never saw it early, since it’s always placed next to the dry shampoos that I bought a truckload of.

I say…
Oh My Goodness? I say thank goodness, cos this is working!
- It smells really nice, like your usual Etude House products but with a hint of aciditiy.
- I guess that’s acceptable, considering that it contains salicylic acid, which comabts acne.
- The spray works even if it’s held upside down, which is great for spritzing the holy bejesus out of the bacne.
- I’m using it primarily for my chest – the rashes, blemishes and random white/black spots have cleared up pretty significantly. Yippee!
- I spritz it 2-3x on the chest and 2-3x on the back in the morning and at night.
- Sometimes, if I’m taking a noon nap (without the aircon on), it can get kinda hot, stuffy and sweaty (cos of my hawt hawt bodeh you know), so once I start itching (especially at the cleavage cos I’m a side sleeper), I’ll just spritz this once, and it’ll stop. heh heh. TMI?
- Anyhoos, I leave it on for a few seconds to evaporate dry and then I can carry on life as usual.
- I also find that if I don’t spritz is for a couple of days, my rashes start up again.
Overall, although I don’t have perfect decolletage skin yet , so I’d rate it as a good body blemish spray that’s affordable, and works well.