Friday evening Suzanne and I went to the mall to do a little shopping and afterwards we had margaritas and dinner at a local Mexican restaurant. We will definitely be going back. The margaritas were delicious and one was way more than enough for each of us.

Suzanne was back at my door at 7am on Saturday morning. We went down to Old Town and walked for a while, went to the farmers market and grabbed coffee. I had been awake at 4am because of the dogs {mostly Vader} so I needed coffee. We went to a Cuban restaurant so Suzanne could eat. I had already eaten at home so I sipped on coffee and chatted with her.

Then we went over to The Press {our new favorite coffee shop} at 8:30 when it opened. I had their butterscotch cold brew which is my new favorite. I don't normally even like cold brew but theirs is so good! I ended up going back to The Press in the afternoon to grab Stephen an iced honey lavender latte when he got home from work. Since I was there I grabbed myself a dopio over ice and added protein to it when I got home.

We had a wedding to attend Saturday evening so we both got fancy and headed out. I'm probably going to have to frame this one. We ended up matching and my hair also coordinates with the orange in his shirt.

The bride and her parents.

The bride was my good friend's younger sister. I have mentioned Marissa before on my blog, I'm sure. Her and I met when I was two and she was one. We grew up next door to each other and we have remained friends all these years. Below is a photo - the only one I've ever been able to get - of all of her siblings. I remember each of them as babies and I've been able to watch them grow. I love this family dearly.

And us with our hubbies. Two of the greatest guys I know! Ris and I are truly blessed. By the way, she's preggers!!!

We did a sparkler send off for the bride and groom. One of the most terrifying moments of my life, I'm not going to lie.

As their guest book, they had us each write something we thought the bride and groom should add to their bucket list. This is what I wrote...

Stephen and I did grocery shopping and worked on chores yesterday. I cleaned my closet. More on the tomorrow. And of course, we hung out with our babies.