Hair & Beauty Magazine

Dermal Therapy Blistop

By Beautifulbuns

I’ve always aimed for greater heights figuratively – in terms of my blogger status (Innisfree, Y U no send me on press trip?! I’m like a walking bible on Korean beauty products, and I can get you coverage on so many platforms. Meh :( ), and also my social status. Literally, I’m not big on heights – I have acrophobia and I’m a total handrest-deathgrip person on planes. Thus, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I’m not a fan of heels either.  Of course, a legit reason is cos I’m a total klutz with no balance, but then again, part of the imbalance comes from the fact that I’m walking weirdly in order to avoid getting blisters.

Waxing of shoes, rubbing of moisturiser into shoes and even biting of the shoes (I have no dogs, so I literally had to grin and bear it) – been there and done that. Nothing quite really seems to work, so I figured, no harm done even if I were to try this product from Dermal Therapy.

Dermal Therapy Blistop

Blistop (1)

Blistop (2)
A slight shiny film once the Blistop dries up and sets in

Blistop (3)
What you get if you itchy finger and touch the Blistop spray before it dries completely. heh. This will not happen if you let it set in properly before wearing your shoes.

I say…

  • Its delivery system is simple – shake, press and spray. Kinda how you’d spritz a mozzie to death with baygon, do it at a distance of 5-10cm.
  • Remember to apply it onto dry skin.
  • Don’t touch the mist till it dries, or you’ll get some on your fingers. It takes just a few seconds to dry.
  • There’s a very slight smell (kinda like the type you get whenever you walk past an old-school tire shop), but it doesn’t annoy my nose much.
  • Once it has set in, it’s kinda like an extremely thin film of glad wrap around your skin – it doesn’t constrict your skin’s movement but you can definitely feel like there’s something there.
  • I’d liken it to wearing double eyelid – you kinda know it’s there but it doesn’t annoy you.
  • The peeling portions on my finger – you don’t see that on the portion of your leg that comes into contact with your shoe. Meaning that at the end of the day, you won’t be flaking all over the streets as you drag your tired arse home.
  • In fact, it kinda gradually wears off over the day subtly and quietly.
  • It does protect my skin to a certain extent (say a couple of hours) from biting shoes (but then again, I’ve got really, really tender skin at the ankles cankles, so I think the efficacy of this product varies from person to person).
  • Now, I’m not saying that your feet won’t hurt – I’m just saying that it cuts down on the possibility of getting blisters by quite a high percentage.

Overall, an interesting and fuss-free product to try out if you’re absolutely dying to break out those heels for that hawt date. More information from Dermal Therapy’s website here.  Blistop is available at Guardian, Unity, Watson, Sasa and other pharmacies at SGD$11.90.

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