Career Magazine

Deam Job of Isabelle Grasset

By Dreamjobdiva

I have met Isabelle in the spring of 2008, where we were both interviewed for a voluntary position for ACCESS. Together with other ACCESS volunteers in 2009, we created CV group, that was the beginning of Connect with your dream job. Since than we are friends. I am happy to have Isabelle in my life:)

Name:             Isabelle Grasset

Country/City:   From Paris, France, since 2008 in The Hague, Netherlands

What is your dream?
I am very happy with my life today. The next step is to found a family.  


What is my dream job?
Working as a teacher has always been my dream job. Education is indeed the professional field I have chosen from the beginning of my career. Being in contact with different people and helping them to develop their language skills is a very fascinating task for me.

How did you achieve your dream-job? / how do you plan to achieve your goal=dream job?
After the secondary school I studied French Culture and Pedagogic. Last year I obtained a Master Degree in order to be able to teach to professional and to develop on line courses. This education was for me a must because I am convinced that continuous training is very important and necessary for all teaching personal.
I also love to use the media and the Internet for teaching purposes, look at my Facebook page ;)

What is your tip to others concerning the Dream Job / Life?

I would give 2 tips:

  • Do continuous training : knowledge is always a plus
  • Find your real friends : it will bring love in your life

These 2 things are the most important and you will never lose them J.

Who are you?
Since 2008 I have been living in The Hague with my boyfriend. We both love the Netherlands and enjoy our life here, where we can realize our dreams. 

Coordinated by Dream Job Diva

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