Fitness Magazine

Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City

By Heathernichole
This was our view of the Hudson River from our hotel room. New York City is in the distance.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Remember how I told you we ordered room service? This is what I ordered. Stephen ordered a bagel with lox and schmear. We paid $46 for breakfast. We realized early on that food was way more expensive than it was at home. BUT we agreed that this was a once in a lifetime trip and we were not going to worry about the prices.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
It may not seem like a big deal to most but wearing a sweater and boots is very exciting to this California girl!
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
I didn't even say, "Strike a pose." He just does it naturally.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
This is the lobby of The W. I would hang that art in my house.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Loading our metro cards. At this point we hadn't figured out how to purchase a weekly unlimited pass.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
We had literally no set plans. We walked down to the Path station and I saw a sign for World Trade Center. I asked Stephen, "Wanna go?" and he said, "sure!" Most of our trip was this way. We just took it moment by moment.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
This was one of the memorials at Ground Zero. We did not see the second one but I believe they are exactly the same. I had the chills as I stood there and watched the water. Such a beautiful and unique memorial.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
We walked by this beautiful church and went inside but I didn't take any photos inside out of respect. Sorry, I can't remember the name of it at this time.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
It was getting late in the afternoon and I still hadn't had coffee so we stopped at Pret A Manger to grab pumpkin spice lattes. Stephen had asked that we not go anywhere that we could go at home so I did not drink any Starbucks on our trip.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
We walked A LOT.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
That is the Brooklyn Bridge in the distance.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City I would just randomly stop and make Stephen take a picture with me. I'm sure he loved that.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
This is the court house. Probably not the only one in NYC but I know I've seen scenes from Law & Order on those steps.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
And that bus. 
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
We made it to China Town. Stephen wanted unique food. He really wanted to try crickets or something like that but we didn't find any. Thank God! Literally. I don't think I could even handle watching that.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City Stephen wanted some pastries. I didn't get any. I was too disgusted by the fact that there was a huge fish tank with a huge fish tank in it in the pastry shop!
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Just passed China Town is Little Italy.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
There was a beautiful Christmas store. I regret not getting an ornament now. They had really cute New York ones and they could have personalized them. Also, I'm loving the upside down Christmas tree. I will do this at some point. Probably not this year but it is in our future.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
We did a lot of research for the best pizza in Little Italy. We had already been walking for so long and we were getting pretty hungry. While on our way to a pizza place we decided to stop in Rubi Rosa. Neither one of us ordered pizza.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City

It felt like we stepped into a completely different part of the world. There was French family behind us and a British family on the other side. You don't experience that every day in Temecula, California.

Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
I ordered the Cavatelli. The menu did not mention cheese at all and when it came, it was garnished with Romano. I had a mini panic attack. Stephen reassured that everything would be okay. I ate it anyways and it was amazing. At this point I hadn't had cheese since my birthday on February 28th.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City Stephen ordered butternut squash ravioli. I shared my meal with him since his dish was so small.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
The portion sizes were small but the food was amazing.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
We stopped in the oldest cheese shop, or so that's what it advertised. 
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City Stephen got mozzarella sticks just to try and he said, "Meh" after he ate them.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City We went in this ice cream shop but we didn't purchase anything.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
After Little Italy we walked some more and ended up finding a subway that took us to Time Square.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Time Square was nothing special. It was nice to see but it wasn't our favorite part of our trip.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
There was a Boxers restaurant. 
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City

I agreed to not drink any coffee from Starbucks on our trip but I did peak in the Time Square location to see if they have any unique mugs. I'm so glad I did because I found this beauty! I actually walked away and told Stephen I didn't need it. After about five minutes I asked to go back because I realized I did need it.

Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City

My friend and maid of honor just happened to be in New York for an audition. I had originally wanted our honeymoon to be all about Stephen and I but when would I get another opportunitiy to meet up with my friend in New York City? So we took another Subway ride and met her at the Museum of Natural History.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
 The museum was huge. I'm pretty sure it took up an entire block. I couldn't get it all in one photo. And we didn't go inside. It was after 5 so it was closed. And I'm not really a museum person. Stephen and I didn't visit any on this trip.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City

Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
 Central Park was just across  the street. We sat and watched the scenery for a few minutes while we waited for Stephanie.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City

Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
 Steph took us to her favorite Spanish restaurant. While walking there we saw a movie or TV show being filmed. I didn't recognize anyone though. And the street we were on looked just like the opening scene from Sex & the City 2 {the movie}.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
 I was just there for the Sangria. Mine was banana coconut flavor. Stephanie and Stephen ate dinner but I wasn't too hungry and I'm afraid of unique I just ate some of the appetizers they brought to our table. They were sweet little breads with black bean dip on the side. Later in the week I was craving those breads.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
 After dinner Stephanie asked if she could show us the Metropolitan Opera House so we walked there. She told us one day we will come back to visit New York City to see her sing there. I know we will too. She's extremely talented and ambitious. She will achieve that goal of hers and we will be there to support her.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
 This building is home of New York City Ballet. I really liked the lights hanging out front.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City

Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
 Me in front of the Met. The chandeliers inside were gorgeous but I didn't get any photos of them.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
 From there we walked to Whole Foods. It was underground and HUGE. I was on the hunt for a reusable New York City Whole Foods bag but I didn't find one there. We said good-bye to Steph and got on the subway to head back to Hoboken. And Steph caught a photo of us while we were waiting. 
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
 When we got back to Hoboken I was hungry. We went back over to Washington Street. We ended up at Stacks Pancake House where they serve everything from breakfast to barbeque. I ordered chicken and waffles. My first time ever trying this. Stephen ordered a pulled pork sandwich and a side of fries. Later he told me he ordered them for me. The food was delicious!!! We couldn't finish everything which was a shame because of how good it was.
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
 Day three coming soon...
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
Day Two - Honeymoon in Hoboken & New York City
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