A used cold tea bag will soothe the eyes and reduces puffiness. Chamomile tea is highly recommended because of its anti-inflammatory properties.Turn a cucumber into juice and apply around the eyes with cotton balls.Apply a mixture of lemon and tomato juice on the eye area twice a day.Mix the following: cucumber juice, lanolin cream, and lemon juice. Apply under the eyes and keep on for 10-15 minutes.Use sunglasses when you go out to protect the eyes from harmful UV rays.Put a slice of cool cucumber on top of your eyes for as long as you like this reduces puffiness and dark circles.Crush mint leaves, apply to the eyes, and leave on for 20 minutes.Eat vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamin E for healthy eyes.At bed time massage almond oil around the eyes. Do this daily for 2 weeks and watch the results happen.Rub powdered Vitamin E capsule on the eye area and wipe it off with a mixture of honey and egg white.
Eye creams rubbed around the eyes should never be left on for longer periods of time.By Claude Kinney