It’ll be a very busy 4 weeks from here out with Christmas and the New Year approaching so quickly! Apologies for the lack of posts this week. My server was down for a couple of days but all good now. Back to the program… :)
I absolutely love customising my belongings, from bracelets to rings to pens. When I heard about the new Bespoque Skin Care recently, I knew I had to give it a try. Bespoque is, in a nutshell, a moisturiser that’s customised and designed by you. And the process is made so simple. All you have to do is go down to a Bespoque counter at a Terry White Chemist or even more convenient, to their website and answer questions about your skin care needs. A super ingenious idea in my opinion – who knows your skin better than yourself? I was so excited at creating my very own perfect moisturiser.
I’ll take you through the process very quickly.
First, I got to choose my Preferred Base Formula. Between “Light & Hydrating” and “Rich & Nourishing”, I decided to choose the former as I prefer something light with the hotter season now. Next, I choose my Preferred Fragrance. There’s “No Fragrance” (a wonderful option for Bespoque to have included for people who are sensitive to smells), “Floriade” and “Rainforest”. I chose Rainforest because this woman loves anything citrusy! Then, I named my very own unique formula “Lush Symphony” (Ok, it was just off the top of my head after picking out key words from the descriptions of the previous pages of the process.)
I then got to choose my Skin Type (Dry, Normal, Oily, Combination), Age Group (Teens, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60+) and how concerned I am with different skin issues such as Fine Lines & Wrinkles, Sagging Skin, Age Spots/Uneven Skin Tone, Sun Damage, Dry/Flaky Skin, Dull/Lifeless Skin, Breakouts/Enlarged Pores and Redness. I really like how elaborate and broad the options are. It pretty much covers most skin concerns.
Finally, I get to add/remove some optional features: Intense Hydration, Regenerate Skin Cells, Improve Skin Elasticity, Repair Sun Damage, Skin Cell Repair, Skin Rejuvenation, Wrinkle Relaxing or Dehydrated Skin
The last page tells you the price of your self-designed moisturiser and it can range from $36.95 to $69.95 based on what you have selected. You then complete the order by clicking Order Now. The reason I’m pointing out this seemingly insignificant factor is to encourage you to give the system a go. It’s really fun, simple and nothing is officially ordered until you click on Order Now at the very end. If you’re not entirely comfortable with the price, you can always go back and forth, change some of your selections and go back to the last page to see how the price has changed. Again, nothing is confirmed so you don’t have to worry! I love how easy and flexible the process is while being elaborate enough at the same time.
Again, you can also order in person at Terry White Chemists and go through the designing process on their interactive display, pay and wait while your moisturiser is being created! All very easy peasy.
So that was the process. As for my experience with the product itself, I have to say it’s so hard to fault it. And it’s quite a no brainer isn’t it? It definitely ticks the boxes for me (a bit of a duh there since I literally designed most of it). I was already pretty happy with it when I was first greeted with a light, refreshing citrusy scent (my favourite) and with the lightweight and hydrating formula that’s perfect for my usually dry skin. Based on my selections, my very own moisturiser was not too greasy and I love how hydrating it is.There were also no problems of the cream being too rich for my skin or making me break out. No problems of a scent that I personally dislike. Heck, even the name and the label color I liked because…. well, I picked them myself!
Overall, my experience with Bespoque is a big happy thumbs-up. I definitely recommend you give it a go.
Bespoque Skin Care is available at Terry White Chemists exclusively. Visit their website at and give it a go yourself!
*This product has been sent to me by PR. My opinions are genuine and uninfluenced – honesty, always. Check out my Disclosure Policy for more details!