Are You Using Your Skills to Create Your Dream Body?
Did you know…
A primary reason most individuals lose motivation to keep exercising is because they don’t have the confidence to maintain a fit, healthy body!
Even though successful weight management is a challenge, it is possible. You have all the answers inside you to do whatever it is that you want to do, including maintaining the body you desire and deserve!
So, today you are going to learn how to discover and use your skills to create your dream body!

Discovering your ability for weight management success
The skills we will focus on in this article are your personal strengths.
When you use your strengths to accomplish your life goals, you are using your power- your tools- which is how you become successful at anything you do. To discover these hidden abilities, ask yourself:
1. When have you been successful? (Remember, the definition of success is “a positive outcome”. So big or small, what positive outcomes have you had in life?)
2. What was your success/ what were your successes?
3. What led to this success?
4. What did you have in place to make this success happen?
5. What were you like when this success happened?
6. Do you know people who are successful? What were there successes?
7. How will you know you have been successful?
8. What is holding you back from getting the body/life that you want?
9. What new knowledge do you need to gain?
10. What new skills do you need to learn?
*Questions courtesy of Life Coaching Activities & Powerful Questions by Phyllis Reardon
When you take into account your in-born skills to create your dream body, you increase your ability to maintain a fit, healthy body for life.
Take time to seriously consider these questions, and write your answers down in a journal, and take note of how you accomplished your successes. Those are the same abilities you can use to manage your weight for good!
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Until next time,
Pamela Brown
[email protected]