Disclaimer: Conair sent me this bathroom scale to review, however I am under no obligation to do so nor to make the review positive. This review reflects my personal opinion about this product.
I watched the movie Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead last night and this morning (it was available for streaming on Netflix) and it inspired me to try something new. Juicing. Later today I'm going to go out a buy a Breville juicer, if I can find one, and then I'm going to buy a bunch of fruit and vegetables and see what kind of concoctions I can mix up.
Thinking about starting something new caused me to look at the box Conair recently sent me that I had been avoiding – time to open up the new scale! I've done a few bathroom scale reviews before and could very well be the world's foremost expert on bathroom scales. But that's not a good thing! Frankly I wish I didn't need a scale at all.

The scale I'm reviewing today is the Weight Watchers by Conair Glass Body Analysis Scale Model WW52 (wow is that a mouthful!).
Here are the technical details of the scale:
- Extra-large 1.9 in. 2-line LCD display with blue backlight
- Measures body fat, body water, bone mass and BMI
- 4-user memory
- 400 lb. capacity
- 0.1 lb. resolution
- Sleek, streamlined design
- Impact-resistant tempered safety glass platform
- Long-life batteries included
- Limited ten-year warranty
Overall pretty standard for the higher end scale that do more than measure weight. I'll point out a couple of features that I really like from that list.
First and foremost, the 400 lb. capacity for a glass scale is very good. Luckily I don't need that much and hopefully never will. But if you need it, it's there.
Second, the blue LCD screen is pretty and very easy to read. The only time I had a problem with it was during setup when I had to choose my gender. They used these very small icons to depict male or female and I actually had to get on my knees to see which was which.
Finally, the .1 lb resolution. My current Tanita scale, which is being replaced by this Conair scale, has a .2 lb resolution. Now I normally round down anyway so it's not that big of a deal for me now, but I've never liked the inaccuracy of a .2 lb resolution so I'm glad to move to where I think it needs to be.
The scale is easy to use – just tap to wake up and then step on to see your weight. If you want the more detailed information like body fat, body water, bone mass and BMI then you need to tap the user button to indicate which of the 4 possible users you are, and then step on the scale. As long as you are in bare feet and place each foot on the metallic sensor on the sides of the scale you will get accurate readings. I found the measurements almost exactly the same as my old scale.
So overall I'm happy enough to replace my old Tanita scale with this Weight Watchers by Conair Model WW52 bathroom scale.
Stay tuned for a potential givaway where you could win your very own Conair bathroom scale! Hoping to confirm soon.
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