Hair & Beauty Magazine

CLIO Glitter Eyeliner

By Beautifulbuns

I seldom take such a long time to recover from holidays and trips, but my recent voyage to HK has really, really drained me, no thanks to the shopping nazi. These days, all I wanna do is go home and sleep – I haven’t even been to events much. Zomg I’m almost a hermitttttt noooooo.

To help me see the light at the end of the dark, dark sleepy monster tunnel, I’m using a lot more glitter stuff these days. I’m serious – if your glitter eyeliner is good enough, it’ll reflect light into your eyes (and sometimes temporarily bling-shock you lol).

CLIO Glitter Eyeliner
CLIO Glitter Eyeliner in Silver – KRW15,000


CLIO Glitter Eyeliner colours 2


CLIO Glitter Eyeliner (1)
The ingredients list (in Korean) lol.  Fine, fine,  I will not troll you – here’s the list in English - click on the red Korean words just above the four colour swatches.


CLIO Glitter Eyeliner (2)
A fine and soft brush tip applicator


CLIO Glitter Eyeliner (4)

CLIO Glitter Eyeliner (3)
At times like these, I wanna stroke and pat my camera and give it a blue ribbon – isn’t this a ridiculously clear photo?


CLIO Glitter Eyeliner (5)
Me, me, me, me, meeeee. Oh yes, and the CLIO Glitter Eyeliner on my lower lashline. heh.


I say…

This was an unexpected purchase. I’d actually wandered into CLIO whilst my gfs were in Artbox (they’re located diagonally opposite each other in Myeongdong), and the very nice makeup artist stationed there decided to re-do my entire makeup, perhaps cos I looked really crappy at that moment, heh. But in any case, I ended up buying almost everything that she used on me – yes yes, I know, sucker is my middle name. But don’t you see how awesomely pretty this Glitter Eyeliner is?

  • Even with one stroke, the glitter specks are relatively evenly spread out.
  • They don’t flake and fall off that fast.
  • The packaging is normal – a slim tube with a soft brush tip that doesn’t poke or irritate my eye area.
  • I love how it looks deceiving subtle, but manages to capture the lighting perfectly. It’s almost as though my lower lashline is naturally glowy and sparkly.
  • Note that this is the type of glitter eyeliner that only requires 1-2 coats at most, 3 if you’re going as a drag queen. 1-2 coats gives you the natural finish, and any more than that will spoil its overall finish (it will get kinda cakey).

It’s not the cheapest glitter eyeliner around (Etude House Etoinette Tear Eye Liner comes in a set of 2 and is only KRW10,000), but the glitter factor is different. Worth a try if you haven’t already got 10 million glitter eyeliners like I do



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