It's Friday! (like I have to tell you this, right?) So I felt like doing a WOD yesterday so I tweeted to my resident CrossFit guru Keely Turner and she sent me a quick and dirty little one.
Here it is. Let me know if you try it out and what your time was. Mine was 4 min 33 sec and I used 30# kettlebell and a 7KG medicine ball. Oh and I hate burpees, but for some reason when you are doing them in a quick WOD like this, they don't seem so bad.
I didn't have a lot of time yesterday, so this was a great way to get my heart rate up and start sweating. Fast. If you have an extra 5 minutes when you are next at the gym, try out this workout. It's crazy to think how in less than 5 minutes you can kick your own ass.
Today was seriously like Christmas in September..see? I even used a Christmas border on this picture to prove my point. I am old school. I still love getting mail. So today TOTALLY rocked.
My goodies from The Simply Bar came today. I have already eaten a bar and a package of pea protein chips. Yum. I will add a full review shortly. If you are at all curious about The Simply bar and their gluten free, vegan, non-gmo, kosher goodness click HERE for some more info. I am a brand ambassador for The Simply Bar, but I will try not to be too annoying about it.Check out below for all of the yumminess!
I also got my Bulubox and my goodies from my September Foodie Pen Pal. I opened my Bulubox and can't wait to try my goodies. If you aren't sure about what a Bulubox is, go on and check them out HERE Phewf! As for my Pen Pal goodies, well you will need to wait until October 1st for Food Pen Pals reveal day. I also trained with Kyle this morning, but I will fill you in on the details of my workout from yesterday.
Warm Up:
8 minutes of interval running and walking on the treadmill (I was only aiming for 5 minutes, but a member came up to me to chat about how much they love the new club we were working out at-and I am always up for some positive feedback out our clubs!)
WOD: 3 Round for Time 10 KB swings (30#), 10 burpees, 10 wall ball squats (7kg med ball)
4 sets 10 reps
Squats (with 105#)
Dumb bell chest press (with 25# dumbells)
Shoulder press (with 15# dumbell)
1:37 PlankADay (no proof lol, but you can trust me)
Lastly, I am thinking about changing the name of my blog. When I started this little adventure, I had planned on just blogging about my workouts with my trainer and I have, but it turns out I like blogging about other stuff as well. So I am not sure that the same of my blog is accurately reflecting the content that I am writing. I would love to know what people think. If I were to change the name of my blog...any ideas on what you think it should be? Let me know! All ideas are welcome!
After my half marathon last Sunday, I needed to take a few days off so my temple (aka my body lol) could recover, but I am back in full force! I am off to hot yoga tomorrow morning and then to a BodyStep class on Sunday. I hope everyone has their workouts planned out for the weekend. I am on holidays next week so I hope to be able to share share lots of fitness-y and nutrition-y adventures!
I have honestly had this blog post up on my laptop all afternoon and evening, so I think I will end things here.
Happy Friday/Merry Christmas in September
P.S. Don't forget to think about the name or new name of my blog. Let is marinate in your mind over night and let me know if you come up with something golden!
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