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Choose 9 Steps How To Write A Letter To Brand/Sponsor's

By Monika @modonika
If you are a new blogger or in mid of blogging, you might be facing or having questions in mind about contacting sponsors. Questions like how to contact your favorite brand, how to attract sponsors to your blog, How to write and what to write to brands and sponsors or what blogger should write to his/her favorite brand?? etc..lot of question's with never ending list.
Sometime's, we hesitate to ask from our fellow bloggers on the issues as in the same field taking up as competitor, sometime difference of small/newbie blogger and experienced blogger makes the gap broaden. My experience is also bad in this field. I ask fellow bloggers but end up with no answer or no contact at all and bad reputation of "not helpful person" image of them in my mind. May be there were other reason's that I am not possible to think. I am a question machine always want to know what, why, how, when, who!!

Choose 9 Steps How To Write A Letter To Brand/Sponsor's


Then, I thought to help myself. You remember school time sick leave format and big class official letter format. So, I use and turned that for blogger format from blogging point of view. Here, sharing the letter format What to write and how to write to sponsor's and brands.
One of my blogger friend asked me few days back : "How you contact sponsor's?? if you have any format please share it!" So, I answered her what was answerable at that moment and think why not to share it with all bloggers who have similar problem and need solution. These 9 Steps How To Contact and Write A Letter To Sponsor's will solve your problem.

Blogger Letter Format to Sponsor's: 

Step 1: Hello ABC(Brand name) or Team,
Step 2: Introduction about yourself Paragraph:  
Use 2-3 lines to tell about yourself who are you, your experience in blogging and what you do.
Like : "I am Monika, by profession an Independent Blogger and freelance writer."
Step 3: Purpose of the mail Paragraph: 
Here, mention your purpose of the mail like we use subject line in normal letters, why you are mailing them, what special is there, the brand should take interest in you and few reasons why you take interest in the brand. Start with "My purpose of mailing you is that.......... I am interested in your brand because of the following reason's...... etc!" Be specific and to the point.
Step 4: Something about Sponsor paragraph : Write few words about sponsors and their products. Do not start buttering the brand, use genuine and good words. First review their websites or links thoroughly. You can choose words Like: " I am a registered member on your website. You have a wide variety of products and unique stuff for fashion lovers and would love to spread words about your brand, products and programs etc etc.."
Step 5: Information about blog Paragraph:  
In this paragraph, mention about your blog age, blog readers and fans, geographical and demographic information about them. Specialty of the blog, your specific niche or sub-category, milestone that you made in your blogging etc. You can make it long but don't make it boring. So, keep interesting points that your sponsor would like to read.
Step 6: Blog statistics Paragraph: In this area, mention your page views per day, monthly page views, all time history till date, visitors numbers, clicks etc. If you are new no need to mention, skip this step.
Step 7: Social Media Presence Paragraph: Tell about your social media presence where ever you are present like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest.
Step 8: Contact Me Paragraph: Mention your email, phone number or any other address you prefer.
Like "E-mail at "". Call me XXXXXXXXXX number at this or that time in day or night. Use a separate email for blog sponsors to avoid hoshposh.
Step 9: End Lines Paragraph: End up with the purpose in short lines. Like "If anytime you need some one to review or promote your products, You can contact me. I will be happy to do so." OR "If you ever feel the need of bloggers for the fashion/beauty/makeup/clothing or any blogger sponsorship program, please take review of my blog for the purpose."
Thank you.
Blog name :
Skip the steps that doesn't fit in or you think is useless. Use small paragraph of 2-5 lines. Before writing to a brand be sure to "Like and follow" their pages and be a registered member of the sponsor's website. Make sure to follow them everywhere they are present on social media. Think from the brand/sponsor mind's and start writing. You can copy the format and make changes as you want.  Save the blogger letter to sponsor format in your word file and make changes every time contacting and writing to new sponsor's.
Tell us how to you contact the brand?? Share it in detail to help all as sharing is caring.
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Choose 9 Steps How To Write A Letter To Brand/Sponsor's

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