Family Magazine

Chicken Dance Or Polka Prance But Don't Get Up on the Table: Addison Oktoberfest Songs

By Arredmon @mamachallenge
I've been going to the Addison Oktoberfest for several years now...perhaps it's because I help to promote the event, but honestly, I would even if I didn't get paid to (yes, it's that fun.) It's actually considered one of my perks for the year (along with Taste Addison, the Dallas Chocolate Conference & Festival and several other fun & tasty events and organizations I get the pleasure of promoting the good word for throughout DFW.) However, I will admit my first year at Oktoberfest, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. And even seven years later, I still wonder the same thing:)
Chicken Dance or Polka Prance But Don't Get Up on the Table: Addison Oktoberfest Songs
Since "induction" is part of the job, I do my best to help describe for others what they should expect for their "first time." While I think there's nothing like diving in headfirst into this event - dances, dirndls and all, I figured I would share at least the words to a few of the songs that will probably be heard at least 100 times while you are in the Schloss Addison Tent (aka Main Tent.) If you are having a good time, you'll probably have a stein of Paulaner in hand and then suddenly the crowd will go wild with one of these little numbers:
"No Beer in Heaven" 

No Beer in Heaven

In Heaven, there is no beer
That's why we drink it here.
And when we're gone from here, Our friends will be drinking all the beer!
And let's not forget my personal favorite:

"Ein Pro-sit"

Ein Prosit, Ein Prosit, der gemiitlichkeit
Ein Prosit, Ein Prosit, der gemiitlichkeit
(Cheer!) Eins, zwei, Drei g'suffa!
Zicke, zacke, zicke, zacke, hoi, hoi, hoi,
Zicke, zacke, zicke, zacke, hoi, hoi, hoi,

Don't worry you really don't need to learn them. The fun of this event is that after a few minutes you feel like you are just hanging with around 2000 of your best friends in Addison for a good time singing your alma mater. Just do me a favor, please try to overcome the need to jump on the table...

you'll understand once you're there. 

Chicken Dance or Polka Prance But Don't Get Up on the Table: Addison Oktoberfest Songs

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