This year has been one of the toughest ever with the ongoing battle with depression and anxiety...but there has been more. Two men I looked up to lost their lives to cancer, work is in a state of change ever moment, and I hate to admit it but....my marriage is an ongoing struggle in its own. I don't want to go into details about any of those beyond saying just getting up and making it through each and every day has been the hardest it has ever been.
But I do because I have complete faith in God and know out of all of this, something wonderful will form. Every run is an act of sheer will but I managed to make it to 7 years of daily running and will keep pushing forward...no matter how slow it feels right now. There is a lesson in all of this.
I did reach my fitness goals for 2018 but that will be another post as I really need to look at the details and wrap my head around them and formulate my goals for 2019. Yes, I am moving slow on this but that has been the story of my life this past year.
In all of this, darling daughter and I have been busting our booties craft-style and attended our second craft show. We also opened an etsy shop and it is still in the very beginning stages as I have lots of products to add --- mainly rosaries --- but please check it out and share. It is called Handmade Treasures HI and you can find it HERE. :)
We are making rosaries, necklaces, bracelets, and horse baby pads that I customize with embroidered patches. I have tons of new patches in stock and need to take pictures and add them to the line-up and hope to get a fancy sewing machine so I can customize with names, etc. My hope is that we can grow this little side business to help cover the costs of horse back riding for this little gem so I can still try to get out of debt.

Finances have been another big worry but I am getting a grasp on it. Check out the Every Dollar app if you want to start getting a handle on your finances too. I still get things that surprise me but in less than a year budgeting, I feel I am building a stronger foundation.
With all these changes in life, I am going to delve down deep and determine how I want this blog and its newsletter to continue. If there are things you would like to hear about, let me know! But until the next post, Happy New Year and God bless!!!