Are you reading this late at night just because you cannot sleep? Well, you are going to read about excellent ways by which you can get rid of insomnia naturally.
Did you know that insomnia or sleeplessness is one of the most common sleep disorders found in living beings? Even birds and animals suffer from insomnia. There are many factors which may contribute to those “White nights” when you just cannot drop off into those really necessary forty winks. That is when you spend your time watching the ceiling, drinking some water or nibbling something, reading a book – even browsing on the Internet for natural insomnia cures and remedies for insomnia…- or trying the 101 other recommended ways to get rid of insomnia. But all to no avail…
So Let Us Start At The Possible Reasons for Insomnia
Insomnia in its initial stages is not a chronic condition. Chronic insomnia conditions are serious when patients have been known not to sleep for days altogether. This will naturally need an experienced sleep disorder professional help in order to cure the underlying cause for insomnia.
Insomnia can be caused due to stress and strain. Professional, personal, emotional, physical and mental worries can contribute to you undergoing a sleepless night. Such an occurrence happening once in a blue moon should not be a cause of worry. However, if you find you getting much less than your eight hours recommended normal quota of sleep every night for more than five days running, it is time to see a doctor.
A change in lifestyle can also prevent you from sleeping. Did you go to bed too soon after a heavy meal? Are your surroundings noisy? Is your bed lumpy and your mattress too soft or too hard? These are just some of the reasons why you may not find it easy to drop off to sleep the moment you get into your bed. You should be asleep within 7 to 10 minutes in a normal sleep routine cycle.
If you find it difficult to fall asleep in the initial stages, here are some natural remedies and techniques for insomnia which are guaranteed effective:
- Take a bath or hot shower and relax, to unwind and get rid of the tiredness of the day. Set up your aromatherapy kit, play your favorite music softly while you are under the shower is optional, but it is a good idea and it definitely helps you to relax.
- Stop using electronics; enough said! Electromagnetic Fields (EMF’s). These invisible electromagnetic fields are known to interrupt sleep cycles and to are responsible for a host of symptoms such as: muscle pain and weakness, fatigue in the mornings, heart palpitations, irritability, allergies, and most importantly the weakening of your immune system. To naturally protect your home and room a a Hymalayan salt Lamp will help in reducing the exposure to harmful EMF’s.
- Drink a glass of warm milk with honey in it. This is the best natural soporific and it has been used effectively to put over- energetic children to sleep down the centuries. It works wonders with adults too.
- Make sure that you go to bed two to three hours after having a light dinner. Heavy dinners may cause you to toss and turn instead of dropping off to sleep, because your metabolism is busy digesting instead of resting.
- Make sure that your bed is comfortable and there is no direct light shining on your face while you sleep. A darkened room can tell your brain to “switch off.” If you still cannot sleep even after the lights have been switched off and find your mind working busily, try this relaxing exercise – Stretch your body and loosen all your muscles.Then stretch your arms above your head, and let your loosened muscles fall into place naturally. Take deep breaths slowly and rhythmically – inhale, exhale.
- Try making your mind a blank by concentrating on a pleasant visual “mind picture.”
- Try not to think. Even try not to talk to yourself, especially on the lines of “this is what I am going to tell him/her tomorrow, while at that meeting, lunch etc…” [People do, especially when they cannot sleep.] Pretend that you are already asleep. You are slowly going to find yourself dropping off.
The above are some easy to implement tips and techniques on how to get rid of insomnia naturally. Remember to consult your professional natural medicine practitioner if your normal sleep cycle has been disturbed, and you find it difficult to sleep for more than one week. Do not use self-medication to induce a good night’s rest, unless recommended by a natural health practitioner.
Still reading? Good! I hope you learned a thing or two on how to combat insomnia without medications.
Now tell us. What causes your insomnia these days?