When I was in Texas my Mom surprised me by buying me this book. I thought, awesome! It was just up my alley as it told a story of breast cancer and running. Heatlth and running. Sounds amazing! I was eager to pick it up and start reading but ironically, that didn't happen until about a month later when I was at home. Everything happens for a reason. I think my mind wouldn't have been ready to absorb the story and learning lessons in it just yet.
It is an amazing book! I read it in no time, which is amazing for me. Yes, I love to read. No, I hardly ever do it. Dear hubby could probably read a book every single solitary day with no problem. I just can't sit still that long. I have too much to do. And ummm....confession, I have become pretty darn good at reading my loves while running on the treadmill at home mainly because I run a pretty slow incline pace. For more serious runs (aka not super easy runs) there is no way on Earth I would try to run and read. I don't believe I became one of those runners.....but it does help pass the time running in place because in all reality, Wild Kratz or other darling daughter favorites just don't hold the same appeal.
Back to the book - the story is written by Donna Deegan, a breast cancer champion who has first hand experience and the ambition to start a marathon devoted to raising funds for breast cancer research. The book shares some of her personal stories and endeavors as well as details what is involved not only in running a marathon but in directing a marathon too (26.2 with Donna)! I loved the book and it opened my eyes to some valuable lessons - like how I too fear too much and need to let go of that fear to open my heart, and my life, to more love. What an amazing lesson! I won't lie to you, there is some faith and spirituality in the book as well but in all reality, I think the message is universal. It is a message of life. A message of challenges. A message of endurance. A message of love.
What good books have you read recently?
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful my mom saw this book and bought it for me.
Daily Affirmation: My heart and mind are open to hear new messages and to learn.
P.S. I really do want to run the 26.2 with Donna one day! How about you?