Fitness Magazine

Blog of the Month!

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
One of my goals in 2014 is to make more connections in the world and spread the love. With that said, I dreamed up Blog of the Month. Yes, I know it is nothing Earth shattering. Monthly features are indeed nothing new and revolutionary but this feature on my blog is new. I put out the idea to fellow SweatPink, Kindrunner, and FitFluential Ambassadors and I am not at a loss of blogs to share. You see, I did it this way so I wasn't just promoting blogs I already read but hoped to find some new gems as well! You would think I would announce these the start of the month but it seems I am just going mid-month to mid-month based on when my first one was announced in January. 

March's blog is another new blog for me...and some young blood! I am loving this!!!

Blog of the Month!Introducing The Panda Post! Kathy, otherwise known as Panda, is a SweatPink College Ambassador and blogs about health, fitness, and weight loss to document her journey. A lot of her posts are about the daily grind and overcoming obstacles in her life (such as losing her Dad to obesity). Even though she may be talking about serious stuff, she tries to keep it light and funny when she can. 

Just the other day Panda posted a recipe for Banana Chocolate Protein Muffins. I love that she bakes like me by mixing things up and then provides a recipe saying, hey, mix things up yourself too! After all, isn't that what makes life so much fun? And yes, if I do break down and make these muffins I will be mixing it up to remove the whey protein and putting in my non-dairy version! Thing is, with a little one in the house, she will want the muffins and I don't want her eating protein powders. There is  no need...which means, I would have to make two different batches of muffins. It isn't the first time I have done this...and it won't be the last! Feel free to hop on over and say HI to Panda and let her know Life as a Running Mom sent you. And by the way, she currently has a giveaway for a $25 gift card to Target going on! Just saying.....

Daily Gratitude: I am thankful to have a bathroom sink that drains properly again.
Daily Affirmation: I am getting stronger and faster through yoga!

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