Hair & Beauty Magazine

bareMinerals Ready Eyeshadow 4.0~The Soundtrack~

By Kwilliford @ExquisiteEczema
This palette screamed "Buy me" from the get go.  I am a sucker for a gorgeous copper shadow (which this has) and the shadows are so creamy and soft.  I was a goner. Plus I have never tried the Ready 4.0 eyeshadows.  And I like bareMinerals' loose shadows, so I expected the same, great quality. 
Pigment and Shades:  
 The pigment is wonderful.  The only exception is the cream shade "Rhythm".  Because of the nice pigment, you do not need much product for it to show up. A little goes a long way. "The Soundtrack" has beautiful colors for an everyday look, but the color combination adds a bit of pop.
1.) Rhythm: this is just your basic matte cream shade that makes a nice all over base.
2.) Remix: beautiful gold that has a little shimmer and a metallic finish.
3.) Louder: gorgeous copper that also has some shimmer and a metallic finish.
4.) Speaker Box: dark pine green with a bit of gold shimmer.
At first, I was not sure that I liked the color combination, but it really made my eyes pop. So I was sold.
bareMinerals Ready Eyeshadow 4.0~The Soundtrack~
bareMinerals Ready Eyeshadow 4.0~The Soundtrack~

Texture and Staying Power
 The shades are so smooth and creamy.  This palette has the smoothest texture of any of the shadows I own.  They are almost like butter.  As a result of the smooth texture, the staying power is not amazing, but it is decent.  After 8 hours, there was some fading but no creasing.  And this is with primer.  I was a bit disappointed with that, but with this heat wave, I don't see how shadows are going to last all day anyway. The fading was fairly minimal and a lot of the color did remain.  Despite the shimmer, I did not experience any fall out.  In the following pictures, I used "Rhythm" as my all over base, "Remix" on the inner half of my lid and "Louder" on the outer half.

bareMinerals Ready Eyeshadow 4.0~The Soundtrack~

After application.

bareMinerals Ready Eyeshadow 4.0~The Soundtrack~

After 8 hours.

Packaging and Price
 I love the packaging for this product.  It is very simple, and sturdy.  Nothing too fancy.  It is a basic black container that feels like it is made of some sort of plastic.  It also has a nice mirror that is plenty big enough to use for application.  An image of the shades is also included on the back. 
The price for this palette is $30, which I do not think is bad considering the quality.  It is less expensive than palettes from other brands sold at Sephora.
bareMinerals Ready Eyeshadow 4.0~The Soundtrack~

bareMinerals Ready Eyeshadow 4.0~The Soundtrack~
Other Facts and Overall Impression
Not only is the shadow great, it is great for your skin.  The shadows have caffeine and cucumber, which provide antioxidants and anti aging benefits.  bareMinerals products also have something called SeaNutrive, which also has anti aging benefits and depuffing benefits.  I have pretty sensitive eyes and the added ingredients did not cause any irritation.
Overall, I really love this eye palette.  The shadows are beautiful and have nice added benefits.  I also have "The Truth", so I will be getting a review and swatches of that up in the next few days.

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