Healthy Living Magazine

Balance Bar Summer Shape Up Challenge!

By Slimshoppin @slimshoppin


Can you believe it’s half way through summer already?? If you had the best of intentions in getting more healthy and moving more but that hasn’t quite happened yet, Balance Bar has a 40 day challenge to finish out the summmer strong.

Working with Personal Trainer and Fitness Guru Holly Del Rosso, she will be sharing 30 minute work outs, healthy eating tips and multiple social media giveaways on Facebook Twitter and Pinterest. Holly Del Rosso suggests that people do at least 30 minutes of activity a day. She also suggests to her clients that they eat a small snack or Balance Bar at least 90 minutes before a work out to ensure you have enough energy.

If you haven’t tried Balance Bars, they are AMAZING! The come in a variety of flavors such as caramel nut blast, chocolate mint cookie crunch, and cookie dough!

How good does that look? Original Cookie Dough

How good does that look? Original Cookie Dough

If you don’t know where to purchase these bars, then CLICK HERE for a full list of stores near you.

Other tips from Holly Del Rosso on behalf of Balance Bar to get healthier this summer?

* Take your workout outside – enjoy the outdoors, whether it’s walking, swimming, riding your bike, yoga in the park, etc.

* Eat seasonal fruits and veggies – great tip, visit your local farmers market to see what’s in season!

* Find a work out buddy. If you have a hard time motivating yourself to move more, ask a neighbor or friend to meet you at a local track, or just walk around your neighborhood. If you have kids ask them to join you too! It’s a great way to catch up and talk with no electronics.

* Drink more “fun” water. Add fresh fruits to your water. I like sliced cucumber, fresh mint and a few wedges of lime to make my water more refreshing. Mix and match to find a combo that works best for you.

*East many small meals. Holly suggests to her clients eating 5-6 smaller meals packed with nutrients to rev up your metabolism. Adding a balance bar as a snack is a great idea.

What things have you been doing this summer to stay on track? Any tips for going to bbq’s and out to dinner more? I’d love to hear them!

Check out some of the recipes on Balance Bar – it’s good to have some new ideas of healthy meals and snacks!


If you leave a comment, you will be eligible for a $10.00 gift card to get some Balance Bars (give a way ends 7/28/14.

*Disclaimer, this is a sponsored post from Balance Bar with Walmart gift card, my opinions are my own.

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