Fitness Magazine

August Training & September Goals

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
August Training & September GoalsAloha y'all!!!
How is it going? I have been crazy busy with darling daughter back in school, working, and watching not one but two hurricanes swirl around us. It is hard to not become complacent when we keep lucking out time after time. But the big word there is luck. I know that we won't always be lucky so I am trying very, very hard to stay focused on Hurricane Lestor and not totally forget about that storm as I look out at the most beautiful blue skies today.
So let's talk training before anything could change and I end up sitting here powerless wondering why I didn't sit my booty down and write. Grab a cup of coffee and sit with me. I just grabbed mine! And a date...the edible kind. I keep a bag in my fridge of pitless dates. Yumminess at my fingertips!!! They are my treat after some of my intense workouts, like today's that left my arms feeling like Jell-O still even though I finished about 30 minutes ago. But let's rewind some more.
I initially cringed when I saw I only ran 89 miles in August. My second lowest mileage month this year. eek! Coming from a girl who was logging miles like crazy this can be hard to swallow but my goals changed this month and ultimately, I know I am in 150% better shape. The best shape of my life!
I may have not logged 100's of miles on the treadmill but I have logged a ton of cross training workouts ranging from yoga, to weight lifting, to general cardio, to plyo, to tabata, to dance, and more. I have logged many 2 hour workout days that may only have a 10K run but an hour of additional workouts - some hardcore, some recovery - so I am not complaining. Not one single bit. I am learning not to focus on the one data mark of miles run to bigger data marks of lives changed, including my own. I wish I could easily see the data on Daily Mile on how many workouts I did in August because I know that benchmark will knock my socks off. Maybe I will add that to a September goal....better workout data analysis.
I also set up my home office in August and I am LOVING having a space dedicated to my work as it is my passion to help others and to change the world for the better. It is my zone. My spiritual, fitness, work, and family managing zone. My work zone. My power area. And having this space has not only increased my productivity but my motivation. Now that is cool! Seriously moms, when you take care of yourself, you are better able to take care of your family!!!
In addition, it seems I became a member of a planning committee for an awesome event to take place on Maui in January and I will be a guest speaker!!! Oh my!!!! I was happy to hear that my speaking time went from 15 minutes to 5 minutes. I can do that! And my lectoring at mass is doing a good job of prepping me to speak in public.
This is all part of my #buildingabetterme campaign that covers all aspects of life. But let's move back to fitness....
My September fitness and nutrition goals:
  • Eat according to plan while following at least the 80/20 rule but striving for 90/10
  • Run daily
  • Workout daily
  • Drink my nutrient-dense shake daily
  • Have a blast leading my Beachbody Health Bet Challenge group
  • Devote 10 minutes a day to personal development
  • Help 3 people achieve their goals
  • Get ready for If Girls Ran the World and my October events -- I will tell you  more later, I promise!

Phew! That is a lot!!! I better get cranking, rocking, and rolling!
How was your August? Any amazing September goals?
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for the generosity of others.
Daily Bible Verse: A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son brings grief to his mother. ~ Proverbs 10:1

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