Hello all, as the result of the new website having been non-functional for the last few weeks, we have decided to move back here. Perhaps permanently, perhaps not, we shall just have to wait and see. On a personal note, since we have last interacted, my family has learned that we have another baby on the way! B”H We are very excited. No, I still have not found work, for nearly two years now, but I am still plugging away everyday trying my best to find a job, and G-d willing I will very soon! Be”H
I have made a decision to disown most of my extended family, as my having turned 40 at the end of this past October has given me the hindsight that most of them are simply idiots, who do not care about us to even call once in 5 years. You see family actually CARES about family, or at least that is the environment that I was raised in, and clearly they do not care about us, so, we have no time to waste on them either. Fair enough I believe.
As far as we are concerned, our new and dramatically (pun intended) family consist solely of my immediate family plus one aunt from my Mother’s side and my Sister’s children, our numerous cousins here in Israel, who whilst extremely busy MIRACULOUSLY had the time to call, of their own volition the other day and invite us to their house for the first night of Hanukkah. Family. And we have included certain best friends of ours whom we consider aunts and uncles to our son and B”H/Be”H impending daughter into our immediate family. Why? Well, because, again, miraculously, they actually have time, even though they each work two of three jobs, and one who works 7 different jobs (a different job each day of the week) to pick up the phone and call!
Do I sound a bit bitter? Well, there is a good reason for that. I am. We have called them NUMEROUS times, always only to get a voice mail, or an ‘I’m sorry, she’s unavailable” (This one from the actually VERY good man who is married to my VERY nut-bag aunt, on my Father’s side), no need to mention a name, those who will read this and know her, are already privy to this information, and have been since she was roughly 9).
Now you see, my father’s side of the family is pretty much just, well, fucked up. Either emotionally, overcompensating through gossip mongering, and running away from a Skype call at a family gathering when you are a 50, or nearly 50 year old woman, this, this is not “normal behavior” at least according to the DSM IV. Not just my opinion, but apparently the opinion of the National Board of Psychiatrists as well. Listen, it’s not their fault, truly. The way that they act, one being closed off emotionally, one being a better news spreader than a telegraph service, and I just completely F’d up are all coping mechanisms, from their youths, and having been raised by a father who was a raging alcoholic and at the VERY least extremely verbally abusive. I mean, he ruined his wife’s bright future upon marriage, why not screw up his kids as well. The fourth, while seemingly normal, buries herself in work in the field of fantasy, so that at her core, thou I am sure not even she knows, or considers it regularly on a conscious level, to avoid having to live in reality.
Anyway, that’s my rant, and boy did it feel GOOOOOD!
Ta for now, but will be back very very soon.