Fitness Magazine

America – Fat of the Land Indeed!

By Kenin Bassart @Constantramble

I haven’t owned a television in over 3 years. I seem to recall many lost hours sitting in front of the tube, and I can honestly say, I don’t miss it one bit. My husband and I have recently started housesitting and most of the homes we take care of do indeed have televisions. We have found ourselves making dinner and settling in in front of the tube to “relax” after work.

Couch potato

Couch potato

This has made me realize why we stopped watching tv in the first place. It’s not so much the programming that irks me (that is a whole different rant), it’s the commercials. I finish my healthy dinner (or sometimes not so healthy) and then I am “hungry” about an hour after. I want burgers, or mac & cheese or something sweet and fattening. It took me a few days of “relaxing” to realize that TV was making me hungry. Commercial after commercial for processed foods or unhealthy restaurants with their nightly specials. On top of that, every show seems to contain people “eating”. They are all surrounded by food or always visiting restaurants, but the actors/actresses never eat!

Thinking about this actually sickens me a bit. It seems to me, that American corporations are out to keep the consumers fat and unhealthy. I know what you think here… Conspiracy! Okay so that might just be my thinking, but if you follow my train of thought, it’s not that far-fetched. Think of some of the biggest corporations in America. If you take out energy and technology, you are left with “food processing” and “pharmaceuticals”.

These two companies only make money if we are all fat and unhealthy. If you are eating a nice balanced diet, you don’t buy “processed” foods. Take a moment and think of all the chemicals and solutions they inject into meats to make them fat and plump and juicy. When you eat these foods, the logical thought progression would be that you also would be nice and fat and plump and juicy.

Now, with obesity comes the health problems…diabetes, heart problems, joint pains, and my favorite, depression! This is a great infographic on what obesity costs in the long run. It is not just making health companies and food companies money, but gas companies and car companies as well. You are bigger, you need a bigger vehicle.



Stop the madness America! Turn off the tube, grab a carrot and walk with me as we travel OnTheRoadToFit.

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