I’d like to thank Sara Biston for today’s guest post!
Apart from their flavor, nuts have been enjoyed for many centuries across the world due their nutrients and minerals content. Studies have shown that there are several health benefits of pine nuts, including aiding weight loss, increasing energy levels, improve vision and lower risks of cardiovascular disease among others. Nuts are commonly derived from the seeds of plants. They contain monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. To reap their amazing benefits, nuts can be eaten raw or roasted. You can have them as snacks or in combination with dishes or sauces. Here are some of the health benefits of pine nuts.
1. Increase Energy Levels
Many nuts are used as snacks because of their roles in boosting energy levels. The health benefit of pine nuts that makes them ideal in increasing energy is protein, iron and fat content. Also, pine and other nuts contain magnesium, a mineral that in insufficient levels in the body cause fatigue and exhaustion. To get the daily recommended amount of magnesium, you should take the nearly one-half cup of nuts every day.
2. Gluten Free
When your body fails to properly digest gluten, you are at an increased risk of developing celiac disease. Gluten is commonly found in foods and snacks prepared from wheat, rye or barley. About 1 in every 133 people lignin the United States becomes affected if they consume foods or snacks containing gluten. If you have celiac disease, you can still reap the same health benefits of pine nuts because they are gluten-free. This means that if you are diagnosed with celiac disease, you can still find some fun in snacking in nuts instead of other restricted snacks.
3. Suppress Appetite
Appetite suppression is one of health benefit of pine nuts in weight loss. Studies have shown that nuts contain fatty acids like omega3 or omega6 that trigger an increased production of cholecystokinin (CCK), a hormone that suppresses appetite. A Korean pine nut study found out that women who ate three grams of the fatty acid pinoleic acid before taking breakfast had a slower rate of food absorption in their gut and cut back their food intake by 37%. Researchers noted that Korean pine nut contain polyunsaturated fatty acids that suppress appetite and control food intake.
4. Prevent Cardiovascular Disease
Nuts are loaded with a synergistic blend or natural compounds that have been shown to be effective in supporting cardiovascular health. Some of these compounds are manganese, vitamin E, vitamin K, magnesium and monounsaturated fats. Among the main health benefit of pine nut is due to pinoleic acid, which studies have shown that it supports healthy cholesterol levels and lowers bad cholesterol in blood vessels.
5. Prevent Premature Aging
Most nuts are loaded with antioxidants such as vitamins A, B, C, D and E and lutein. Antioxidants play significant roles in fighting free radicals that cause cell damage. While aging is a natural process, you can slow its deterioration by regularly eating amazing nuts in your diet. Antioxidants boost your immune system by preventing your cells against reactive oxygen species and promote production of enzymes to destroy free radicals in your body.
6. Improve Sight
Nuts contain carotenoids that are effective in preventing vision illnesses like age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Although scientists are yet to find the exact cause of AMD, this condition is speculated to be the result of a tiny blood vessel leaking blood and fluid to your retina, resulting to further damage. Pine nut contains an antioxidant called lutein that work as a filter in protecting the macular region of your eyes against oxidation caused by light. Several studies have also shown that eating foods rich in these antioxidants can significantly lower your odds of developing AMD.
7. Boost Immunity
Nuts are loaded with vitamins and essential minerals required for an improved immune system. A compromise in your immune response increases your chances of developing common and chronic illnesses. The good news is that munching on the handful of nuts every day will help keep your immunity at its best all the time. Alternatively, you can ensure that you are getting adequate doses of vitamins and minerals required in boosting immunity by preparing smoothies with nuts, fruits, and vegetables.
There are very many health benefits associated with pine and other nuts. These benefits make them very important and should be incorporated in your regular diet. It is difficult to get all the essential minerals and vitamins in your regular diet, and eating nuts might just do the trick. Irrespective of whether your goal is to lose weight, boost your energy levels, prevent illnesses or premature aging or to improve your eyesight, nuts seem to be one of the best answers. Nuts are cheap and readily available in food stores or supermarkets, and all you may have to do is buy and eat. Alternatively, you can prepare your meals at home using nuts along with your favorite recipes to reap all these benefits.
1. https://www.consumerhealthdigest.com
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nut_(fruit)
3. https://www.glozine.com/lifestyle/health
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Author Bio:

Sara Biston is a passionate blogger and health article writer. She is an experienced writer who loves writing about beauty skin care, lifestyle, food, health and wellness. She believes in spreading a word of happiness through her writings. Sara’s passion for healthy living became the catalyst for a major career change. She is firm believing the fact that “Tough time never lost but Tough people do”. You can follow her on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ for daily inspiration.