Health Magazine

7 Remarkable Benefits of Breast Thermography Deem Mammography Useless

By Healyounaturally @healU_naturally
7 Remarkable Benefits of Breast Thermography Deem Mammography Useless

October is here, the month of Breast Cancer Awareness. But have you really thought about what this means?

All of these campaigns urging us to donate to, share, participate in or preach about-what are you supporting? As the hype builds around 'Going Pink,' the real issues we should be advocating often get lost in the excitement. In this article, I talk about something I strongly advocate-Breast Thermography one of the best and safest early detection tests available.

The breasts are a sensitive area of the body - and they're prone to many health issues if you aren't watching what you are putting in and on your body and skin. One of those issues is breast cancer. It's one of the most common cancers in the world. And about 1/8 of US women develop breast cancer in their lifetimes (1).

Not to mention, it's responsible for a high death toll. Thus, constant breast screening is necessary. Because the best way to deal with cancer is to avoid it in the first place.

But... Not all screening methods are healthy.

The most common type is the mammogram. And this can do more harm than good to your breasts... because, as you screen for tumors- by the time they are identified, they are usually large, and cancer has advanced.

So through this article, I'll talk about an alternative form screening - this being thermography.

And I'll mention 7 benefits that it has over mammography:

1 - No Radiation Involved.

Here's how a thermography works.

  • It measures body heat on different areas of your body (and)
  • It maps out abnormal changes that signal problems.

It's a form of infra-screening. With a thermography, you start off by cooling your body for a few minutes. You're then put behind a camera, which measures body heat in different parts of the body.

Abnormal heat levels can be signs of tumors, inflammation, etc. Additionally, a thermography doesn't use X-rays, like normal screening methods. And X-rays (while useful), increase your risk of getting cancer.

How So?

X rays are a form of ionizing radiation (1). And ionizing radiation has properties that break down molecular structures, causing genetic mutations, deeming them carcinogenic.

Thus, a thermography is safer, and as a result...

2 - It is Suitable for Frequent Screening.

The US Department of Health recommends screening every 2 years, for women aged 50-74 (2).

Other sources recommend screening once a year (3). But if you're serious about avoiding cancer, then you're screening every 6 months.

This is bad if you're using X-rays. But with a thermography, you can screen frequently, ensuring you keep cancers in check. You can even take it a step further, screening quarterly (assuming cancer runs in your family). With a thermography, the more, the better.

3 - Fast and Instant.

That's a requirement for frequent breast screening. The speed of screening sessions has many advantages. You can use a thermography to scan for multiple types of health issues.

For example; Let's say you have a family history of colon cancer, where mutations are hereditary. Getting frequent checkups for your colon would be advised. And you'd have to do it with your normal breast screening.

You can also get a full body checkup. Those normally last 1 hour, and if you do them every quarter, you're not wasting much time.

4 - It's Comfortable.

Thermography procedures are "no-touch." If you're sensitive to contact, or if you're anxious about personal space, you can try a thermography.

Most breast scanning procedures involve touch. It is how radiologists assess the existence of possible lumps of problems in a patient's breasts.

With a thermography, this is unnecessary. A thermography accurately scans breast tissue, detecting changes years before cancer develops.

5 - Quick Results.

After a mammogram screening, you need to wait 2 weeks to get your results (4) With a thermography, you get results within 48 hours. This is how it works: A certified radiologist will interpret the result for you. They'll provide colored images of your scans, marking any problems they find.

Fast results save you waiting time. And if you find any problems, you can start diagnosis and therapy right away.

6 - Not Just for Diagnosis.

Thermography is a way of monitoring treatment. You can use it to monitor breast cancer (or any other cancers for that matter) therapy such as radiation or Chemotherapy, in relation to the effectiveness of chemotherapy, surgery, etc.

It also works for monitoring other breast problems such as lumps, fatty tissue, and fibrocystic breasts.

7 - Help Beyond Cancer.

Cancer isn't the only problem that's breast related. You could've had post-surgery problems, and there might be inflammation or glandular issues.

Maybe you have pain after breast surgery. It could've been a cosmetic surgery or one for health reasons. Either way, you can diagnose further issues with thermal scans- best of all- thermography can be used as part of preventive care because of its ability for early detection.

What Should You Do?

Not only this month but all year round, I encourage you to become better educated about breast cancer, detection methods, treatments and even the charities and movements you support. I support raising self-awareness for breast cancer-which means regular self-exams, using organic, chemical-free products without parabens (which have been found in cancerous breast tumors [7] understanding alternative options for early detection, such as Breast Thermography (find a center near you here), and knowing ALL of your choices should the worst-case scenario happen.

Educate and empower yourself with preventative health practices and think outside the box when it comes to cancer awareness. Invest your time-not your money-learning about prevention and healthy living. Here's a good article where you can start.

I recommend scheduling a Thermography while following a healthy lifestyle and adopting more preventive measures such as avoiding certain foods to prevent cancer. In fact, you will be preventing many other diseases. Surround yourself with benevolent friends and family which enhances your quality of life and mood.

Make "me time" mandatory, and pamper yourself with activities that you love which in turn will reduce stress. Practice meditation, get a medicinal massage, get some Sauna time at least twice a week. Sauna (include the steam room and infrared sauna) which helps get rid of toxins plus several other benefits.

I recommend you keep track of the medical field for updates. Be sure to follow the research, and stay committed to scanning routines!

How To Prevent Breast Cancer?

There's no cookie cutter recipe, magic pill, and this article cover the bare minimum. That being said, I highly encourage you to watch The Truth about Cancer docu-series. That is my absolutely recommended place to start.
I'd tell you to trust me that you are going to absolutely love it, but I am going to let you decide for yourself. You need to register to watch for free this week only (October 9-16) After that, you'll have to purchase the docu-series. I own the previous series and it is the best money I'd ever invested in my entire life. Knowledge is power, right? Well, I want that power vs big pharma- Gracias!

Next, I strongly suggest that you check for nutritional deficiencies- mainly Vitamin D and Iodine levels. If your doctors can't do it you can get them from Walk-in-Labs from the comfort of your home. You can also have a Get a Cancer Screening Test for as low as $35.
Once you find where you are at with vitamins and mineral levels. You may want to supplement the following:

1) Vitamin D Supplementation. ( I love Seeking Health Liquid D3

Remarkable Benefits Breast Thermography Deem Mammography Useless
2) Natural Progesterone
3) Iodine Supplementation. ( This is what I supplement with
Remarkable Benefits Breast Thermography Deem Mammography Useless
4) Avoid ALCOHOL period! Don't believe the lies about wine a few times a week. Read this revealing article and see for yourself.
5) Avoid carcinogenic chemicals, xenoestrogens, pesticides, etc.
6) Aim for organic unprocessed foods.
7) Practice stress reducting techniques, and allocate "me time"self-care is crucial for overall well-being.
8) Make sure your estrogen levels are balanced, as well as other hormones.
9) Use chemical free beauty products. Use plant-based cleaning and safe cooking products. (See my Amazon page for all my recommendations and what I use)

Final Note

Thermography scans are still a work in progress. The Gerson Institute states that thermograms do not offer a definitive diagnosis; only a biopsy will tell if there are malignant cancer cells present. However, thermography can alert women and their doctors to irregularities without health risks, so that women can minimize the need for invasive testing.

If the results are suspicious, a woman can start applying therapies to turn this around while it is still at an early stage. Yet mammograms are the tests that women are pushed to undergo most frequently.

Currently, the medical field is strongly debating whether thermograms should be the "go-to" breast scanning method. But results show that thermography is superior to traditional scans.

For example, Switzerland's medical board has a negative view of mammograms (5). But also, there's research that suggests otherwise (6).

On to you...
Have you ever had a Thermography before? Would you have one yes no and why? Let me know in the comments below



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