Health Magazine

7 Proven Ways To Prevent and Treat Breast Cancer Effectively and Naturally

By Healyounaturally @healU_naturally
7 Proven Ways To Prevent and Treat Breast Cancer Effectively and Naturally
You can't change your family history but changing your diet and life style WILL lower your risk

October 21 is National Mammography Day. Most campaigns encourage women all over the world to practice " early detection" via a Mammogram- because it can prevent cancer and therefore save their lives.

Nevertheless, there is one very important part to the equation we are forgetting - P r e v e n t i o n.

According to this study by ncbi

A large body of epidemiologic, animal, and laboratory literature indicates that as many as 30% of all cancer cases are linked to poor dietary habits. The proportion reaches 70% for cancers of the gastrointestinal tract.

Additionally, further research has consistently linked abundant consumption of plant-based food to a substantial reduction in risk of developing various cancers. Laboratory studies show that this chemopreventive effect is related to the high levels of numerous phytochemicals in this food. These phytochemicals interfere with several cellular processes involved in the progression of cancer and also with inflammatory processes that foster development of cancer.

So how do you reverse or prevent Breast Cancer? Here are my findings and top seven culprits:

1. Skip Estrogen Therapy~ Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

If you've been prescribed combined hormone replacement therapy to manage menopause symptoms, you have been placed at a higher risk to develop breast cancer - without realizing it. Furthermore, HRT raises the risk that cancer won't be detected during its early states.

According to the Cancer Research UK High levels of our own natural hormones can increase our risk of cancer. But some medical treatments can also increase our hormone levels, including hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and the contraceptive Pill.

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)?

Cancer Research UK defines HRT as follow:

After menopause, a woman's ovaries stop producing the hormone estrogen. As a result, she may experience menopausal symptoms including hot flashes and mood swings.

HRT treats these symptoms by boosting the body with more female sex hormones. There are three types of HRT:

  • Oestrogen-only HRT, which consists only of oestrogen. (Oestrogen is the name given to a class of hormones. There are three major. oestrogens produced by women called oestriol, oestradiol and oestrone.) [3]
  • Cyclical HRT, where oestrogen is taken continuously but progestogen, another female sex hormone, is given in monthly or three-monthly doses.
  • Continuous combined HRT, which contains oestrogen and progestogen, taken at the same time.

2. Avoid Endocrine Disruptors (Containers and Foods)

At this point, you know that eating organic foods is imperative when it comes to dis-ease prevention. Spraying crops with herbicides, mollycoddles (snales) pesticides, the use of antibiotics , and hormones used on cattle raised in CAFOs that are fed GMO corn- expose you unknowingly to pollutants. In turn, these toxins end up in your body . Not a good thing, because m ost prolonged exposure will elevate your breast cancer risk.

The EWG warns about these particular endocrine disruptors so read your labels on any fut ure purchases:

[list icon="icon: thumbs-o-down" icon_color="#156817″]

  • Atrazine, Lead, organophosphate pesticides
  • BPA (Bisphenol -A) and BPB it's cousin: Dioxin, Fire Retardants
  • Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs)
  • Perchlorate, mercury, Glycol ethers, and arsenic
  • Other Xenoestrogens


Read about every single endocrine disruptor in detail in this article by the EWG DIRTY DOZEN ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS

3. How Are Your Iodine Levels?

Iodine is an essential mineral that is crucial for thyroid function which in turns prevents thyroid disease such as hypothyroidism and goiters. However, recent research has now focused their attention to a much bigger issue- the link between Iodine deficiency and breast cancer.

Recent research and a well-detailed article by Dr. Jeffry Dash - Iodine Treats Breast Cancer, Overwhelming Evidence explains the importance of knowing your iodine levels and supplementing accordingly if you are deficient:

Here is an excerpt:

Japan has the highest dietary intake of iodine (13 mg per day), and the lowest rates for goiter and breast cancer. However, when Japanese women immigrate and change dietary intake of Iodine to the lower 150 mcg/day in America, breast cancer rates increase.(1)

The high dietary iodine came from the fishing industry before WWI. In those days, the fish meal was fed to dairy cows providing milk with high iodine content. After WWI, the fish meal was eliminated from the dairy cows, and breast cancer rates soared ten-fold.

Furthermore, a study conducted in Japan by Dr. Funahashi in 2001 revealed that Breast cancer induced in rats with DMBA a carcinogenic chemical that was not pre-treated with Iodine (mekabu seaweed) showed no breast cancer tumors. On the other hand, rats who were untreated (Control) developed large breast cancer tumors. ( source)

Read the full article by Dr. Jeffery Dash here: Iodine Treats Breast Cancer, Overwhelming Evidence

Here's an Informative video on Iodine by Dr.Group from Global Healing Center

Finally. Healthy Breast Need Iodine~

Plan of Action: Get your Iodine levels tested by your PCP or endocrinologist. Then supplement accordingly. Here are some Iodine dosages by Dr. Sircus &, David Brownstein

4. Nutritional Deficiencies

If you aren't nourishing your body with wholesome foods and making sure there are no nutritional deficiencies- mainly Iodine as well as Vitamin D, you are already putting yourself at an elevated risk of developing breast cancer.

deficiencies are prevalent in the US and most western countries. Most of us don't realize that consuming a diet rich in processed foods (created in a plant) and less nutrient dense natural foods (come from a plant) is exponentially increasing the possibility of developing ailments including- you guessed it; breast cancer.

5. Genetically Engineered Foods (GMO Soy)

Recent studies indicate that prolonged consumption of soy protein isolate has a stimulatory effect on the premenopausal female breast, characterized by increased secretion of breast fluid, the appearance of hyperplastic epithelial cells, and elevated levels of plasma estradiol.

Women all over the world- especially those following a vegan or vegetarian diet have turned to soy, because soy is a "healthy food". However, in 1997 scientist at the Health Sciences Research Division in Tennessee, became aware of a potential concern when they discovered cytological detection of epithelial hyperplasia in 7 of 24 women, during the months they were consuming soy protein isolate.


Hyperplasia is also known as epithelial hyperplasia or proliferative breast disease. It's an overgrowth of the cells that line the ducts or the lobules. Based on how the cells look under a microscope, the hyperplasia is called either ductal hyperplasia (also called duct epithelial hyperplasia) or lobular hyperplasia.

According to Cultures for Health non-fermented soy includes a number of substances, including:

  • Goitrogens. Like many vegetables, soy contains substances that can block or reduce the production of thyroid hormones, thus affecting other hormonal balances.
  • Phytic Acid. This anti-nutrient binds with minerals in your body and removes them. An over-consumption of foods with phytic acids can cause a depletion of essential minerals.
  • Oxalic Acids. A high concentration of oxalates can produce inflammation, resulting in discomfort, and can prevent the absorption of calcium, an essential nutrient.
  • Enzyme Inhibitors. These substances block the ability of the body's natural enzymes to break down food into nutrients that can be assimilated.

Over-consumption of any type of food containing these substances can cause nutritional imbalances . However, the fermentation process breaks down enzyme inhibitors, produces phytase which neutralizes phytic acid, and decreases the goitrogenic properties of soy. Because of these changes, most traditional Asian soy recipes involve fermentation. ( )

What to eat instead?~ If you must eat soy - I don't know why anyway opt for organic, Non-GMO fermented soy. If the label doesn't read (organic non-GMO) or you know your local farmer's soy is organic; skip it. Here's a great article on some of the top cancer-causing foods.

6. Toxic Chemicals in Conventional Beauty Products

If you are still using conventional beauty products, you are also putting yourself at higher risk of developing breast and other cancers. Conventional beauty products are laden with toxic chemicals- especially hormone-disrupting ones.

Here is a list of the worse chemicals commonly found in cosmetics (Check your shampoo and hair products, cosmetics, body lotion, deodorant etc..)

  • Phthalates
  • Triclosan
  • 1,4-dioxane,
  • Parabens (Propylparaben, Butylparabens etc..)
  • Placental Extract Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
  • 1,3-butadiene
  • Ethylene Oxide
  • Lead & Sunscreen

For the full list and to learn what these chemicals do your body read the full article by Health Cancer Fund- Chemicals in Cosmetics

What to Use instead? Support and purchase from companies that care. The EWG has a fantastic database of Safe Cosmetics Skindeep that you can use with their respective ratings. Go to your local natural store and compare your findings to that of the EWG's database or if you don't have the time to search around you can find them in my New Amazon Influencer Page (you pay the same, and you can also use prime)

7. Are Your Vitamin D Levels Optimal?

Most recently, a meta-analysis of five studies published in the March 2014 issue of Anticancer Research found that patients diagnosed with breast cancer who had high vitamin D levels were twice as likely to survive compared to women with low levels.

Furthermore, a robust and rapidly growing body of research clearly shows that vitamin D is absolutely critical for good health and disease prevention, in part due to the fact that it influences about 10 percent of all your genes.

Just one example of an important gene that vitamin D up-regulates is your ability to fight infections and chronic inflammation. It also produces over 200 anti-microbial peptides, the most important of which is cathelicidin, a naturally occurring broad-spectrum antibiotic. Writes Dr. Mercola in his article New Studies

Plan of action: Get safe sun exposure daily. 30-45 minutes and that is going to depend on the season and your location. Watch the video in the article Little sunshine mistakes that can give you cancer instead of vitamin D to learn exactly how it works- it is so easy and worth it. I now know exactly when it is safe for my family to be in the sun, and when it is not- you should too.

Finally, these are only a few of the numerous contributing factors for breast or any cancer to develop. Remember that a healthy lifestyle includes a moderate amount of exercise, stress management, happy thoughts and of course . Food is medicine. Therefore, you must be proactive in protecting your health starting right now no matter your age.

Here is a great image showing you some of the top Cancer-fighting foods:

Foods To Prevent and Fight Breast Cancer

Now it is your turn? What foods or life style changes have you made to prevent or heal cancer? And what foods have you added from the image above to prevent and better your health? You may leave a comment below.

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References [1]
Image source:MarcuzSl & [3]

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Note: As usual these statements do not replace the advise of your health care provider. Always consult your Health Care provider.

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