I went into the gym with the idea to start the Couch to 5K again. I did it two years ago and since I haven’t been running long distances and I haven’t been going to the gym consistently I thought it would be good to start from scratch. I did my warm up walk and then I did what day one calls for. Sixty seconds of jogging and ninety seconds of walking. Well, after a few minutes of this I decided to forget the plan and just go for it. I ended up running three miles. I did stop and walk a couple times but I started right back up again. And isn’t that what this journey is all about? It’s okay to stop or slow down if you need to catch your breath, as you always start again. Now that I know I can run a full 5K I will now work on dropping my time.
When I left the gym I was dripping in sweat (which you can’t really see in this photo) and it felt so good. One of the best feelings in the world is expecting something from yourself and surpassing that expectation. Even with something little like finishing a 5K on your first day back to the gym.

The rest of the day was very low key. My boyfriend and I pretty much watched Dexter all day long on Netflix. We did manage to get to the grocery store though. We wanted to try out a new recipe that we found on Pinterest – a skinny version of Alfredo made with Greek Yogurt. It was so good ya’ll! I love Alfredo but I avoid it like the plague because of all the fat and carbs and calories but this recipe is guilt free and it’s delicious! We ended up eating it with whole wheat pasta, roasted chicken, bacon and broccoli. Luckily I had enough leftovers for two more meals! I’m looking forward to lunch already.

I did weigh myself this morning. I think I’ll make Friday my weigh in day. I’ll be sure to let you know how much I lost next week. And yes, it will be a loss.