37. Once a week wash something thoroughly-a couple of windows, a floor, the shower stall, bathroom tile, or your car. A 150-pound person will burn about four calories every minutes spent cleaning and you could work off approximately 120 calories, the same number in a half-cup of vanilla frozen yogurt. And your environment will sparkle!38. Switch to 2% milk from regular milk- Go down a notch to 1% if you already drink 2%. 20% of calories are cut with each step downward. Do this and you'll have trimmed the fat by more than 95 percent and cut the calories in the whole milk by about half.39. Before dinner, take a walk- You'll cut your appetite and burn calories. It has been found that 20 minutes of walking increased sensations of fullness and reduced appetite as effectively as a light meal.40. Eat a frozen dinner. One designed for weight loss, that is. In the evening most of us tend to eat an average of 150 percent more calories than in the morning. Buy pre-portioned meals as an easy way to keep dinner calories under control. Just buy the one serving dinners. If it contains two, make sure you share.41. Eat with a small group- A study found that we tend to eat more when we eat with other people. This is most likely because we spend more time at the table. But talking with your family, in between chewing, with your significant other or your family can help cut down on calories - and help with bonding in the bargain.42. In place of a sugary snack substitute a handful of almonds- For overweight people who ate a moderate-fat diet containing almonds lost more weight than a control group that didn't eat nuts a recent study found. And don't limit it to almonds, any nut will do.43. Watch one less hour of TV- For some people eating and watching TV go hand in hand. Sacrifice one program and go for a walk instead. You'll have time left over to finish a chore or gaze at the stars.44. Take a walk before dinner- You'll cut your appetite as well as burn calories. Twenty minutes of walking increased sensations of fullness and reduced appetite as effectively as a light meal.45. After Dinner close out the kitchen- Wipe down the counters, wash all the dishes, turn out the light, and, if necessary, tape closed the refrigerator and cabinets. Overall number of calories you eat increases significantly late-evening. Three hundred or more calories a day, or 31 pounds a year, can be saved.46. Before noon get most of your calories- The more you eat in the morning, the less you'll eat in the evening studies have found. And you have more opportunities during the day get rid of those early-day calories than you do to burn off dinner calories.47. Sniff an apple, peppermint or banana when you feel hungry- It really works even if you feel silly. A Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation found that with 3,000 volunteers, that the more frequently people sniffed, the less hungry they were and the more weight they lost - an average of 30 pounds each. The brain thinks you're actually eating it is one theory.48. On weekends watch every morsel you eat- Each weekend day, people tend to consume an extra 115 calories, primarily from fat and alcohol.49. Wine by the glass, not the bottle is recommended- This way you'll be more aware of how much alcohol you're taking in. Moderate drinking can be good for your health, but alcohol is high in calories. Unfortunately it can drown our best intentions when it comes to eating.50. Order your dressing on the side- and then stick the fork in the dressing first before the salad. The amount that your fork picks up is plenty for the forkful of salad you then pick up.51. Rather than piling everything on one plate serve individual courses- Make the first two courses vegetables (like a salad) or soup. By the time you get to the more calorie-dense foods, like meat and dessert, you'll be eating less or may already feel full.52. Low fat yogurt is in- People who ate yogurt three times a day and cut 500 calories lost more weight and body fat than a group that only cut the calories. The calcium in low-fat dairy foods triggers a hormonal response that boosts the breakdown of fat and inhibits the body's production of fat cells.53. After every meal, especially dinner, brush your teeth- That clean, minty freshness will serve as a cue to your brain and body that mealtime is over.54. Ten times a day passionately kiss your partner- It is said that a passionate kiss burns 6.4 calories per minute. This equates to about 23,000 calories for 10 minutes a day of kissing-or eight pounds-a year!55. Make snacks nutritious- Your metabolism stays stocked when snacking once or twice a day and staves off hunger, but when you're on the go healthy snacks can be hard to come by. Pack up your own trail mix made with nuts, raisins, seeds, and dried fruit or baby carrots make a good snack.56. Add hot peppers to your pasta sauce. Capsaicin reduces your appetite due to the ingredient in hot peppers that makes them hot.

That's all 50+ Easy Ways To Lose Weight! I hope you find at least a few that are helpful.By Tammie Cappuccio