Fitness Magazine

5 Major Benefits of Bee Pollen

By Kenin Bassart @Constantramble

Hello OTRTF readers! I am thrilled that Lauren asked me to take over the blog today. I am going to talk about something I swear by…Bee Pollen! Now to cover all our bases I need to first state that I am by no means a health professional. You must consult with your doctor before taking bee pollen. You must also follow the recommended dosage. Two very important components to this health regimen.

I first started taking bee pollen about a year and half ago. One of the best decisions I ever made. I did all the research and decided I wanted to give it a try. Bee pollen is a complete superfood that has been used for years. It is pollen that is packed into granules by the worker honeybee. It is full of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in proteins and amino acids. I’ve found that there are 5 major benefits of bee pollen that improve my quality of life every day.

5 Major Benefits of Bee Pollen

Some rights reserved by Steven Jackson Photography

Alright so now that you know what bee pollen is, let’s talk about the benefits.

Energy – The energy I get from bee pollen is even better than what I get from coffee. I know! Yes, I went there. I spring out of bed before the birds and feel nice and refreshed.

Allergies – It also helps with allergies. Now, for this to work you MUST get your bee pollen local. Some people have even reported their allergies completely disappearing.

Digestive System – Bee pollen contain enzymes that aid is digestion. The enzymes help your body absorb all the nutrients in the food you eat.

Athletic Endurance – This goes along with the energy component. I can confidently say that I run much faster after consuming bee pollen. It aids in my endurance.

Colds – I very rarely get sick. The few times that I have picked up a cold it was gone the next day. No joke. I was completely amazed the first time this happened.

There are many many more benefits. The ones I listed are benefits that I can personally attest to experiencing. If you have a specific aliment do the research. It is always important to do your own research when it comes to your health and well being.

5 Major Benefits of Bee Pollen

Do I have you convinced yet? Let’s talk dosage. I started with one granule the first day. Yes, one teeny tiny granule. It is important to err on the side of caution to make sure you don’t have an allergic reaction. You then double the dose until you work up to a teaspoon. So two granules on day two, four granules on day 3, 8 granules on day 4, and so forth. I consume one teaspoon a day right out of the bottle. I just swallow the granules with water. You can add it to a smoothie, put it in your yogurt, really you can take it however works for you.


Jen is a stay at home mom. She enjoys writing and is the voice behind JVKom Chronicles. Jen is passionate about healthy living and being active with her family. When she’s not chasing the boys she is hitting the pavement or the closest trail. If you want to connect with Jen, you can find her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

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