Tune into today's #HYNwellnesspodcast # 29 and find whether your symptoms could be related to SIBO (small intestinal bacteria overgrowth) Why women are more prone to developing it. The Symptoms to look out for, the diet to lead a great lifestyle even with SIBO plus how to reverse it- Enjoy the show!
Podcasts Quotables SIBO
~ For Hashimoto's and general you have your active T3 hormone and you're in active people have a doctor that's doing a full thyroid panel they'll be checking how many of both of those are in circulation so what happens as most people take the synthetics thyroid medication for Hashimoto's. So, in your body- in your gut, in particular, you have to convert that T4 into T3 do already if you don't have a healthy gut you're going to really struggle to convert your thyroid hormones and to have enough of them to function you see the synthetic why this is so important the synthetic form of oh good
~ Good & Band Bacteria: people kind of throw around the language of good gut bacteria but in reality yeah the small intestines are totally different environments and it needs to be supported ...
Phoebe Lapine
Show Notes
Resources/ Links Mentioned
Supplements to Help with SIBO and other GI Issues:
Vitamin D3 & K2 ~ Try it here
Connect with Phoebe:
Don't forget to visit, interact and tell her that you learned about her via my podcast:
Website: https://feedmephoebe.com go to Resources and click on SIBO Sibomadsimple.com
Follow Phoebe on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/phoebelapine/
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