Shoes, shoes and more shoes. What's women's best friend? SHOES? Forget diamond rings (OK no, don't forget diamond rings guys, we still want our carats just that shoes are more affordable in bulk purchases) we want SHOES! I mean isn't it every girls' dream to have their shoe-drobe look like this:
Disclaimer: I do not own this image and I could not find the original link. It's known as the "Girls: What do I want my life to look like in 5 years" image.No gender discrimination, guys you can be a caterpillar like us too.
Despite our dreams, we still have to put reality into consideration - ain't nobody got enough money for that - unless there's a sales somewhere. Lucky you for Aldo outlet Singapore is having a sales on Zalora. In case you're wondering what ALDO sells, well, that depends on what you want. From Onaosen heels* to Quirita shoes* to Emils Leather loafers*, it's all catered at Aldo.
With shoes going from 50% off and more, you're now able to make your caterpillar dreams come true! So, what are you waiting for? Own those shoes!
Onaosen heels* - described in fashion term as a monochromatic design with wide straps and complemented with chunky block heels (taken from their description). In layman terms, it's basically an open-toe leather strapped white sandals with a 3 inch block chucky heel.
Quirita shoes* - Basically, a shiny laced-up design with 2 inch raised platform. Emils Leather loafers*- Well, as mentioned in the title, they are loafers. I've realised that everyone have a different picture in their mind as I describe these shoes so instead of letting everyone's imagination run wild in the wind, here's a legit picture of these beautiful shoes with their discounted prices for easier reference. Pictures and prices taken from Zalora's Aldo Outlet Singapore.