Gadgets Magazine

Your Weekly Wish List – May Your Wishes Come True!

Posted on the 16 November 2012 by Anna Peterson

Great Gifts on MyTrendyPhone FaceBook Page!

Next week MyTrendyPhone UK is organizing new prize competition, starting from Monday, 19th November! On the very same day album with 5 pictures of some cool accessories will be published; accessories waiting for you to be won! All you need to do is like the picture with the product you like most AND share it with your friends. The product with most likes and shares will be the week’s prize.

On Friday, after the contest is over, we will be contacting the random drawing lucky winner to let him / her know they won!

All of you will have equal chances to get some interesting and cool accessories for your mobile phones. Good luck to everyone and may the best mobile accessory win!

MyTrendyPhone prize game

Products waiting to be won!

* Rules:

In order to enter this great competition, all you need to do is follow these simple rules:

1) Like MyTrendyPhone UK official FaceBook Page

2) Like AND Share with your friends the picture with the product you would like to win and add a comment: enter the competition @mytrendyphone UK & win some really cool accessories! It will take you only a minute or two, and who knows – maybe you will be our lucky winner


* Only LIKE or SHARE is not enough, you need both to SHARE AND LIKE the product, after you like our official FB page.


Stay with us, we will keep you informed! And if you have any questions, feel free to contact us!

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