Healthy Living Magazine

Yoga Poses – Paschimottanasana Or Seated Forward Bend

By Geoff Griffiths @mmatraining1980

Make sure that you are putting equal weight on each glute / sit bone

Normal people with sitting or sedentary job get a pelvis with an incorrect tilt, causing a exaggerated curve in the spine.

This pelvis issue causes a hunchback with rounded shoulders, pushing neck forward.

If you have these alignment issues, first bring the pelvis into a neutral position using a prop such as a mat or cushion

sit on the edge of the cushion:

Yoga Poses – Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend
Cushion used under bum to give neutral pelvis/pelvic tilt

Hunchback causes tighter muscles in the neck area and weakness

Bring hands back to engage the rhomboids, traps etc near thoracic spine:

Yoga Poses – Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend

Bending forwards with alignment issues, can impact your breathing – typically this is caused with tight hamstrings.

Use a block in between the thighs to engage the quadriceps, and put prop like a cushion under the knees to take away the pressure.

Beginners should lift hands up and then place them on pelvis – gentally anterior-tilt the pelvis and move forward from the heart. Keep the back aligned to prevent pressure on lumbar spine.

Use a strap around the feet to keep the correct alignment whilst stretching.

Remember – no hunchback, no rounded shoulders

If any problems with headaches, neck etc – keep the head with eyes looking forward

coming out of the pose – when you are doing the full pose i.e. with hands holding the toes, lift head up first, then put hands on the knees, then pelvis. Finally move back to a seated position.

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