Music is the spice that brings out the flavor in both my writing and running life. Most marathon memories I have, I can think of a song that captures the tone.
For each book I have written, I have used a soundtrack to capture the tone of the novel as well. My novel STRAYwas written to the Velvet Underground song Heroin, and The Jade Rabbit to A Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall. My novel On the Lips of Children was written to the music of The White Stripes (all the words are gonna bleed from me…)I don’t pay much attention to the lyrics white writing to music, but the tone seeps into my head. The beat of the song matches the beat of my sentence. The music becomes the backdrop the characters live within. It paints the walls of their home, the color of their sunsets, and fills the water that they drink. My recent release, MILK-BLOOD, was written to the song In A Gadda Da Vida. When I sat down for a long stretch of writing, I stuck a pair of Dr. Dre Power Beats over my ears and kept the hypnotizing song on repeat, listening again and again and again.I wanted In A Gadda Da Vida to rise up from the cement cracks on the character’s street. I wanted it to be heard through the broken window panes of the abandoned homes where they live. Eventually, I made sure to inject the beat straight into their veins. When you read MILK-BLOOD, you may hear the beat of a different drummer, but if you listen closely, you’ll also hear In A Gadda Da Vida in the background. I hope you enjoy it. It just may sound unlike anything you’ve ever read in a long time. MILK-BLOOD$2.99 kindle$6.99 paperback![WRITING TO MUSIC WRITING TO MUSIC](
~The Horror Bookshelf Blog
"The originality and tension is evident on every page."
~Richard Thomas, author of Staring Into the Abyss
"This is a helluva story. Very much recommended."
~ John F.D. Taff, author of Little Deaths
"One of the most striking urban horror stories I have read." ~Adam Light, author of Gone