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This is a post I just wrote on my blog-www.blissfulvida.com- just last week. How ironic....I felt spiritually called to share. Hope enjoy!
So I know talking about God and Religion is a stigma in most places; whether on the Web or in our World. I also know by writing this post, some may be turned off. I would rather you stick with me…Please . LOL- Are you starting to understand how I got away with murder with my Daddy and Grandaddy as a child? HAHA. If you were courageous enough to stay, I have some personal info to divulge. It isn’t worthy of People Magazine or E’s gossip column, but to follow me is to know me and as MY Blissful Followers you deserve all my honesty and a great portion of my God-given soul.
So Here Goes:
I am a proud Roman Catholic girl who often channels Billy Joel’s ‘Only the Good Die Young’. I believe in Jesus and Mary and I proudly teach teenagers RELIGION in this day in age and I love it. I married the most faith-filled, genuine, boy who loves God as much as I do. He prays. He sings at church/Mass and he loves Jesus. But he isn’t Catholic. Yes, Friends, I am one half of a Bi-Faith-Filled Marriage and OH SO PROUD TO DECLARE IT. I told you if you stuck around it would get juicy!!!! LOL! Today’s post is extra special. BLENDING FAITHS IN A RELATIONSHIP THAT MATTERS Those that love and know me can attest that I LOVE EVERYONE- REGARDLESS OF RACE, SEXUALITY, AND/OR ANYTHING ELSE THAT MIGHT FIT INTO THE MIX. I believe in a Universal Lord who loves all who come before him with a wholesome heart, filled with beautiful intentions; yet may screw up in the process. I.E.= ME. I prayed HARD for my destiny. I asked the Good Lord and My Precious Virgincita and of course,- St. Anthony- because THAT IS what Hispanic Girls do- for my soulmate- OVER AND OVER AGAIN. I knew God had created him and in my heart; I KNEW ONLY “THIS ONE EXISTED”. I don’t know how I knew. Truth be told, at points, I really didn’t even know for sure, but this one time, I choose to take a leap of faith and I knew I had nothing to lose… God smiled down. I had always taught about the beauty and uniqueness of our Faiths, the beauty of acceptance. And before I knew it, I was seriously dating someone I RESPECTED. I began dating someone who shared my values, most of my beliefs, and truth be told- my soul.
Javy and I began praying together from the get-go. I will never forget the nerves that started to live within in me when I knew I wanted to ‘ask him’. I wanted him to be spiritually intimate. I wanted to pray with him. Why should that frighten me? Why should it make me apprehensive, yet it did. Eventually, I gained more confidence in my Christian Catholic Faith. I requested to pray together and my incredible man quickly said, “yes”. From that point on (Date five) we began to pray together. I AM ROMAN CATHOLIC AND MY HUSBAND IS PROTESTANT CHRISTIAN AND WE LOVE EACH OTHER DEARLY. WE LOVE GOD AND WE GLORIFY EACH OF OUR FAITHS. WE ATTEND MASS AND CHURCH. WE ARE A LIVING TESTAMENT OF OUR CHRIST…AND WE HAVE WORKED OUT PERFECTLY. It IS possible. My Blissful Friends who are perhaps in the middle or even feeling ‘the desire’ to take the next faith-filled step, it is up to you. Don’t give up your faith for a boy/girl. IF YOU WANT TO PRAY WITH YOUR PARTNER- PRAY. It takes courage, but the gift IS eternally blissful; I kid you not.
Blissful Love,
Nicki G.