Fitness Magazine


By Wendiw80 @asouthernyogi
I went home for lunch and did my Workout of the Day - From the main site, today's workout was:
Clean and Jerk
1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1
What that means is to find my 1 Rep max - specifically in 5 tries. Because it's been a while since I've done Xfit, I actually don't know what my 1 rep max is and I'm easing back in so I just did 65- 95. I think I could've done more but was maxing out, so not much. The biggest challenge was not the clean but the jerk. These are FULL cleans which means you pick the bar up from the ground and land in a front squat.

When I do jerk, I do not split my feet like he does, BBBUUUUUTTTTT, as my weight gets heavier, I'll probably just do what I can. I don't have bumper plates (rubber) so that also makes it hard because I can't drop it from the jerk if I need to. That makes a big difference in the amount of weight you're willing to try, at least it does for me. 
So today, my workout looked like this - 
3 rounds Crossfit warm up - arm stretches, lunge right/left, 10 overhead squats with pvc pipe, 10 sit ups, 10 push ups, 10 pull ups (I did jumping since I can't kip and am building up my strength) and you're supposed to do 10 dips, but I don't have any bars. 
5 warm up clean and jerks with 45 lb bar65 x 75 x 85 x 90 x 95
85 felt heavy and I started to get nervous which is why I only went up 5 lbs the last 2 tries. I absolutely think I could've done 105, just not sure about 110-115
It was a good workout and I am hoping to try to stay on the 3 on, 1 off schedule just because I know the programming for the main site is so good. We'll see. 
Again, this was from the main site - not the endurance site

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