Humor Magazine

Will Obama Be Bergdahled?

By Davidduff

Finally, the American military ‘manned-up’ and told the White House where it could shove its peculiar pro-Islamist interference.  Last year, in a blaze of administration-induced publicity, Obama took full credit for ‘negotiating’ the release of Sgt. Bergdahl, an American soldier accused by many of the soldiers in his unit of deserting to the Taliban, in exchange for five leading Taliban operatives.  Obama’s National Security Advisor, the ineffably stupid glove-puppet otherwise known as Ms. Susan Rice, went so far as to describe Sgt. Bergdahl as having served “with honor and distinction”.  Obama was proud to stand with Bergdahl’s parents in a White House ceremony to applaud his release.


Bowe Bergdahl

Since then, I suspect but will not know for sure unless I live long enough to read the history books, a year of severe, even brutal bargaining, I will not grace the process with the word ‘negotiation’, has taken place between the military and the administration.  The former, knowing the huge amount of evidence supporting treachery on the part of Bergdahl, are determined to have him court-martialled on the strongest possible charges.  The White House, appalled lest their fairy-tale fancy be shown up for the unmitigated pile of brown stuff that it is, are equally determined to maintain the façade – or perhaps ‘charade’ might be a better word.  Anyway, the military have prevailed and Bergdahl faces two charges one of which could put him away for life.  As John R. Schindler puts it in the LA Times:

The next step in this case is an Article 32 hearing, the military's version of a grand jury, and there seems little doubt that a full court-martial will result.

The Army's investigation was thorough and meticulous. That trial will generate major media attention, and key evidence against Bergdahl will likely include what he told Army debriefers after his return home. Intelligence information detailing Bergdahl's dealings with the enemy, which is believed to be unflattering, is not expected to be used at trial due to classification issues.

How the White House will deal with the Bergdahl case from this point on will be a crucial component of this continuing saga.

I should add that I, personally, have no idea whether or not Sgt. Bergdahl is guilty as charged.  However, I will look forward to watching the White House wriggle as his former comrades come forward, one after another, to tell the world what they think about it all!

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