Humor Magazine

Will America Disintegrate?

By Davidduff

This thought has been niggling away at me for some time but, alas, I am short of time this morning so I can only pull out the pin and lob the grenade in amongst you all.  I am provoked to this action by an article in The American Spectator by Marta H. Mossburg in which she warns us to watch and beware Gov. O'Malley of Maryland.  I do not know for certain if he is possessed of swivelling eyeballs but from what Ms. Mossburg says he ought to!  He it is who has introduced a 'rain tax' to the goof balls good electors of Maryland and seeing as how they put him in the job they deserve no less.  Apparantly, satellites will map Maryland and any property having an excess of hard-standing will be taxed in order to reduce the runoff of rain water into the Chesapeake Bay.  This is but one of several 'Greenie-socialist-la-la-land' ideas that Gov. O'Malley has in what passes for his mind, I suppose it is the whimsical 'Oirish' in him.

However, my main point is that O'Malley is not alone in his crazed desire to tax everything including rain.  Over the other side, the 'Kommissariat of Kalifornia' continues its mad tax and spend binge as city after city goes broke throughout the State and businesses flee to Texas which, under a liberal tax regime is prospering like never before.  But of course, given the federal nature of the United(?) States, Texas is forced to send money to Washington, now in the grip of Democrat socialists, who then send it out to places like Maryland and 'Kalifornia'.  Now, if Obama is succeeded by another out-and-out socialist, and O'Malley is already planning his campaign, and the prospect of another eight years looms then the pressure will mount.  So my question is, how long will they put up with it in middle America before that dread word 'secession' raises its ugly head?  I'm not saying it will happen, I'm not even saying it is probable that it will happen but it has to be a possibility.  After all, you all know how far behind the times I am, so if I've thought of it then sure as hell someone else has too!

But just remember, you read it here first!

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