Hair & Beauty Magazine

White to Gold Reciprocal Gradient Reverse Stamping

By Pinkandpolished
Talk about a mouthful of a title right?

LOL I swear these nails are way easier to create then they sound. I wanted to try some reciprocal gradient nails and I though what better way to try then to add in some stamping too. Bring it up a notch ya know? Keep reading to find out how I did it.I started with a base of Sinful Colors Snow Me White. When that dried I created the gradient using Sinful Colors Snow Me White and Maybelline Color Show Bold Gold. Then I stamped over top of the gradient using the same colors and Bundle Monster Plate BM-408 making sure that the white half was stamped over gold and vice versa. Finally I sealed everything in with some Seche Vite and the design was finished. White to Gold Reciprocal Gradient Reverse Stamping
White to Gold Reciprocal Gradient Reverse Stamping
White to Gold Reciprocal Gradient Reverse Stamping
I know it sounds difficult but honestly this design was so easy to create. Time consuming? Yes but hard? No way! I encourage you guys to try it! And make sure you tell me so I can see all of the beautiful designs you come up with :) 

What do you think guys?

Make sure you keep an eye out on my Instagram and YouTube Channel for tutorials on this look! I will update this post with links once they are posted.

Thanks loves :) 

White to Gold Reciprocal Gradient Reverse Stamping

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